4 weeks ago I wrote a php script which adds products to a cart. As I am new to javascript, I decided to make it better by page loading using ajax.

My work looks like this:

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.4.min.js" integrity="sha256-BbhdlvQf/xTY9gja0Dq3HiwQF8LaCRTXxZKRutelT44=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<a href="#" class="cart-box" id="cart-info" title="View Cart">
        echo count($_SESSION["products"]);
        echo 0;

<form class="form-item">
    <div class="cart">
        <input type="submit" value="Add to Cart" class="button" />


            var form_data = $(this).serialize();
            $("input[type=submit]").val('Adding...'); //Loading button text

            $.ajax({ //make ajax request to cart_process.php
                url: "test2.php",
                type: "POST",
                dataType:"json", //expect json value from server
                data: form_data
            }).done(function(data){ //on Ajax success
                $("#cart-info").html(data.items); //total-info element
                $("input[type=submit]").val('Add to Cart'); //reset button text to original text
                alert("Item added to Cart!"); //alert user

It seems like the code stops working when I start making the ajax request to test2.php because I can't access the file test2.php and I do not really know where the error is coming from.

Thanks for helping

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2 Answers2


Yeah, debugging AJAX can be a bother . . . unless you find a way to "see" what's going on over there.

Two ideas:

(1) In PHP file, create a new file, write log entries to the file, close file when done. You can run the routine and check the file you created.

fwrite($fq, '***** Created by uploader.php *****' . "\r\n" ); 
fwrite($fq, '$fname: ' .$fname . "\r\n" ); 
fwrite($fq, '$pathToImages: ' .$pathToImages. "\r\n" ); 
fwrite($fq, '$pathToThumbs: ' .$pathToThumbs. "\r\n" ); 
fwrite($fq, '$thumbWidth: ' .$thumbWidth. "\r\n" ); 

It works, but there's a better way.

(2) Install the Firefox extension (there's also one for Chrome, but the ff one is more reliable -- so if you're a Chrome addict like I am then use both:


FirePHP for Chrome

Get the FFox one working first, because sometimes the Chrome one is glitchy - which is fine when you know it works, but is intimidating when you're just trying it out. You think your code is problematic, but it's the extension...

A Guide To Using FirePHP

Debugging PHP Code With FirePHP

Basically, after downloading FirePHP:

(1) Upload these files into a folder called public_html\FirePHPCore (where public_html is your webroot, as is common on most web hosting)


(2) At top of PHP file, these lines:

if (file_exists('../FirePHPCore/fb.php')) {
    if (file_exists('FirePHPCore/fb.php')) {
        $fpLog = fopen('__fph_log.log', 'w');
        fwrite($fpLog, '***** FirePHP did not load - FirePHPCore/fb.php NOT FOUND *****' . "\n\r"); 
$console = FirePHP::getInstance(true);

Then, inside any function where you wish to use FirePHP:

function somefunction(){
    global $console;
    //a bunch of PHP goes here
    $console->log('role: '.$fr);
    //a bunch of PHP goes here

In Chrome/Firefox DevTools (F12), you will see these messages appear in the Console tab, same as if you issued a console.log("Hello there") in javascript.

You have eyes!

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Ajax request php script must be in the same server-side, I think your ajax request has been cross-domain, try to change your url as 'localhost/test2.php'.

jQuery AJAX cross domain

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