By now i'm using regex: '/{(.*?)}/' to get everything inside curly barackets in strings like: 'abc {get me} def {and get me}' which works fine.

Now i'm looking for a way to exclude brackets, which are surrounded by brackets themselves. The string should be self-explanatory: 'abc {get me {!but not me!}} def {and get {!but not me again!} me} ghi'.

The following code should illustrate my needs...

$regex  = '/{(.*?)}/';
$string = 'abc {get me {!but not me!}} def {and get {!but not me again!} me} ghi';
preg_match_all( $regex, $string, $matches );
print_r( $matches[1] );


    [0] => get me {!but not me!
    [1] => and get {!but not me again!

but should be:

    [0] => get me {!but not me!}
    [1] => and get {!but not me again!} me

Until now i was not able to find a solution via Google and looking forward to get one at SO.


EDIT: Actually a very similar question was asked and answered on SO. But if you are not familiar with regex it's really hard to change from wrapper (...) to {...}. So you can not simply take the one pattern given by the answer (see link above) and search-replace all '(' & ')' with '{' & '}'. You really have to understand what's going on there.

But if you understand this pattern enough to customize it you probably would be able to write it on your own...

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    Theoretical informatics says that this is not possible, the problem requires a turing machine, since it is non-regular (needs some form of mode or storage during the search). – arkascha Jun 29 '16 at 15:38
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    https://www.regex101.com/r/xY5rR3/3 – splash58 Jun 29 '16 at 15:45
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    Possible duplicate of [How to write a recursive regex that matches nested parentheses?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20569306/how-to-write-a-recursive-regex-that-matches-nested-parentheses) – Sebastian Proske Jun 29 '16 at 15:50
  • Indeed the duplicate matches my needs but as i'm not that good at regex-stuff i was not able to figure out which '(' and ')' change to '{' and '}'. – Axel Jun 29 '16 at 16:05
  • I made a little script to generate the pattern automatic while giving left and right limiter. See my answer at the bottom. – Axel Jul 13 '16 at 20:02

2 Answers2


You need a recursive regex with a capturing group that would capture the contents inside the curly braces:



  • { - a literal { (in PHP PCRE, you do not need to escape this character)
  • ( - Start of the capturing group 1
    • (?:[^{}]++|(?R))* - zero or more sequences (see (?:...)*) of 1+ characters other than { and } (see [^{}]++) or the whole pattern ((?R) is a placeholder for the whole pattern, like (?0) subroutine call)
  • ) - end of Group 1
  • } - closing literal }

See the regex demo and the PHP demo:

$re = '~{((?:[^{}]++|(?R))*)}~'; 
$str = "abc {get me {!but not me!}} def {and get {!but not me again!} me} ghi"; 
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);
Wiktor Stribiżew
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Here is a script to generate the regex pattern with variable right and left delimiters.

$delimiter_wrap  = '~';
$delimiter_left  = '{';/* put YOUR left delimiter here.  */
$delimiter_right = '}';/* put YOUR right delimiter here. */

$delimiter_left  = preg_quote( $delimiter_left,  $delimiter_wrap );
$delimiter_right = preg_quote( $delimiter_right, $delimiter_wrap );
$pattern         = $delimiter_wrap . $delimiter_left
                 . '((?:[^' . $delimiter_left . $delimiter_right . ']++|(?R))*)'
                 . $delimiter_right . $delimiter_wrap;

/* Now you can use the generated pattern. */
preg_match_all( $pattern, $subject, $matches );

Credits: Thank you @Wiktor Stribiżew who wrote the answer i accepted...

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