I know there's a lot of questions about this, but I tried everything and nothing seems to work. I followed these links:

Splitting HTML page so Printer splits it into separate pages

Chrome: Print preview differs from simulate CSS media print

Print media queries being ignored in Chrome?

Google Chrome Printing Page Breaks

and much more.

I tried pretty much every single suggestion in all of them.

Here's what I've got so far :


<link href="path/styles/print.css" rel="stylesheet" media="print">
<div class="page-break">
      //some stuff


@media all {
    .page-break { display: none; }

@media print {
    .page-break { display: block; page-break-before: always;}

In IE and FF, I can't see preview of the page I'll print, but when I do print, it works just fine. In chrome, I can see preview, but it's never right... next I'm trying to save it as pdf, but it still doesn't apply print css.

*Saving as pdf as nothing to do with trying to make it works... it's just to save paper

Now, before you post an answer, please be aware of the following :

I tried this:

  • !important; hack

  • Deleting css page and put css directly in html page

  • Delete media all

  • Delete media all and changing display block to none

  • Tried page-break-inside: avoid;

  • *{transition:none !important;}

  • .page-break { ... transition: none !important;}

  • put it in main style sheet

  • float: none !important;

  • position: relative; position: static;

  • display: block; display: inline;

  • box-sizing: content-box;

  • -webkit-region-break-inside: avoid;

I didn't try with other version of Chrome. I tried on v.50, after multiple attempt fail, I updated to v.51. Some said it works on v.38 or something like that... I won't downgrade to that version.

Edit: I forgot to mention that my html code is in a jsp page. So the <div class="page-break"> is in a for-loop. Every loop has to be on individual page.

Edit 2: I created a jsfiddle. I pasted the source code I have and it works perfectly. So I removed the css stylesheet that are links in my page. But even by doing that, it won't work. So if it's override somewhere, it's not there.

The page is a JSP page, does it have anything to do about it? If not I'm clueless, because in the same project, on the page I want to print, I added a button that redirect to a page.html and I created 3 divs with the same class name and it works just fine.

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2 Answers2


So! I'm here to answer my own question, in case someone just can't make it work just like me.

I tried to give a new approach to my problem, since I can't print single div per page and I don't know why, I must find another way. But it's not that I didn't know how it works... I created a JSFiddle and it worked. In my own project, I created a html page and it worked. But since I was in JSP, maybe it was messing with my code somewhere.. I have no idea.

So here's what I've done.

function getStuffToPrint(data){
        var html = "", index, len;
        for (index = 0, len = data.length; index < len; ++index) {
            html += "<div class=\"custom-page-break\">" + data[index].innerHTML + "</div>";
        var mywindow = window.open();
            mywindow.document.write('<link href="my/path/to/styles/print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>');
            mywindow.document.write('</head><body >');



            return true;

In my case, data was an objectHTMLCollection : document.getElementsByClassName("custom-page-break")

It's a bit ratchet, I had to write the div with the class name again...

Here's my css, it may work without display: block and page-break-inside, I didn't even try.

@media print {
    .custom-page-break  { 
        display: block !important;
        page-break-before: always !important;
        page-break-inside: avoid !important;

Hope it'll save hours for some people.

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Have you tried to put the print.css in your main style css document ? I had a similar case and it solved my problem.

You dont have to make a pdf file every time to see if the @media print worked, you can see the page emulated like print in your Google developpement tool on Chrome:

Media print for google chrome

To see that option, do : F12 -> show console -> rendering ( it's a tab of the console ) -> check "Emulate media Print".

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  • Thansk for quick answer. Yes I forgot to mention it, at first it was in my main style.css, it didn't work so I moved it in another css file. I also tried the checkbox, but I don't understand where... Is it when I see the page, or when I click on print and see the preview? Because when I check it there's nothing refreshing or anything, it stays the same.. – anthomaxcool Jun 21 '16 at 14:20
  • Actually I found what it was suppose to do. But I still can't make it work – anthomaxcool Jun 21 '16 at 17:38