When I am trying to add a new Network Interface for Host only network, Virtual Box version :Version 5.0.22 r108108.

I am getting a following error:

Could not find Host Interface Networking driver! Please reinstall.

Result Code: 
E_FAIL (0x80004005)
IHostNetworkInterface {455f8c45-44a0-a470-ba20-27890b96dba9}
Arpit Agarwal
  • 471
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6 Answers6


Reinstall the Virtual Box and restart your system.

Arpit Agarwal
  • 471
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open virtual box -> select the default virtual machine-> setting -> network -> change host-only to bridged networking -> start virtual machine -> Open docker quickStart Terminal to connect

mefor sy
  • 71
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You must reinstall de driver. Go to device manager, you will find an unknowen driver missing then update it by pointing to this link : C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\drivers\network\netadp6\VBoxNetAdp6.inf

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  • This was helpful to me. I went to Device Manager>Action>Add Legacy Hardware. I selected network adapter then browsed to `C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\drivers\network\netadp6\` and picked the driver. – agileMike Nov 04 '20 at 17:38

Existing answers didn't help me, but this did:

Open the Network tab of your VirtualBox settings.

Cycle through all Adapter tabs and make sure none of them points to something non-existent, even if the adapter is disabled.

For disabled adapters, enable them, set to Not attached, then disable again.


UPD: that didn't solve it. The solution was to reinstall VirtualBox like @ArpitArgarwal suggests, but simply repairing it didn't help. What helped was:

  1. Manually uninstall existing VirtualBox.
  2. Install VirtualBox, starting the installer with admin privileges.
Andrey Mikhaylov - lolmaus
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1.Open Virtual Box with Run as administrator. Then it showing below snapshot error: 0x80004005 belongs to Failed to open a session for the virtual machine. Check with this error correct or not.


5.Now, the issue may be solved. If an issue is still pending then close it Virtual Box. Then open with Headless start option. It means that Restart the Virtual Box.

Spandana r
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In some cases, (worked for me) running and getting the latest update of vbox fix the problem. And got the Host Interface Networking driver automatically installed. The update I run was: VirtualBox-6.0.14-133895-Win

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