I have this function to write the inputs from a form to the database and i'm trying to simplify the data being passed by the ajax call to the php. Currently i have this function:

function writeDB(stage){
    var userData = $("#cacheDB").find("input").get();
    var ajaxData = []
    for (var n=0;n < userData.length; n++){
        item = {};
        item[userData[n].id] = userData[n].value;

        url: "x.php",
        data: {ajaxData},

Which sends out this object:


I would like to send only the original data key, like:




Is it posible? I've tried several methods and havn't found one suitable yet.

1 Answers1


I would try to serialize the form instead of that for loop. It basically sends all input fields from your form as a JSON object to the server.

$.post('server.php', $('#theForm').serialize())

For larger form, HTTP POST method should be prefferd, you can send complicated object.

Check this for more help: jQuery AJAX submit form

Hope its what you need.

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Petr Adam
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  • The problem is that the inputs dont have names, only ids, and serialize returns a empty fieldset – Lucas Bueno Jun 20 '16 at 00:23
  • And what is limiting you to add input also names..I would say its a good practice to have them, they are basically designed to be there for that purpose – Petr Adam Jun 20 '16 at 06:05