I've added manifest to my html:

# rev ?v=1


It works fine when I am trying to load page for the first time - it shows me the total transfer in my dev tools of 1mb. However, for the second time, it shows me only 100kb's. Am I doing something wrong?

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1 Answers1


You can check that in Network tabs of the Developer Tools of your browser. First make sure Disable cache is disabled.

In Network tab you'll see (from cache) in the column Size if a file was taken from cache.

Andrei Zhytkevich
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  • so, if disable cahce is enabled, all meta tags are overwritten, otherwise, it takes the behaviour descibred in head of html? – uksz Jun 15 '16 at 12:43
  • and actually, if I disable 'disable cache' all of the files have same size of ~244b – uksz Jun 15 '16 at 12:45
  • **Disable cache* is a parameter is Developer tools. You have to disable it so Developer tools don't affect caching behavior of your browser. If you enable the parameter the browser will never use cache (always reload all files from server), so you won't be able to check if browser uses cache or not. – Andrei Zhytkevich Jun 15 '16 at 12:47