
I have written a code in c++ and c# . From my c++ code i am calling my c# function through. I have sent just a part of c++ code.

txtPath contains the location of a text file. C++ code:

    IMyClassPtr obj3;

Validation() is my c# function. My c# code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace ABC
    public interface IMyClass
        void Validation(string txtp);



    public class Program : IMyClass

        private string replace_string(string text)
            return text.Replace("\r\a", "");

        public void Validation(string txtp)
            string[] textValidate = File.ReadAllLines(txtp);
            string textpath = txtp;
            //validation starts here
            foreach (string line in textValidate)
                string[] strsplit = line.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                string task = strsplit[0];
                string sign = strsplit[1];
                string person = strsplit[2];
                string routing = strsplit[3];

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(task) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sign) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(person))
                    //if the txt file is invalid
                    MessageBox.Show("Signature.txt is incomplete or has invalid input!!!");




I have done all the required setting in c# .C# settings snapshot C# project is a class library. My code was working perfectly in 32 bit machine. I was using the generated tlb in other systems by registering it with regasm.exe.

In 64 bit machine by c++ code is working but when the c# linking code is hit the execution stops without throwing any error. I am using a 64 bit machine and created a new project with the same code. Help Please

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2 Answers2


On 64-bit Windows, Microsoft does not support loading a 64-bit DLL into a 32-bit process, or vice-versa. For additional information, please refer to the following resource on MSDN:


Jacob Seleznev
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Make you're using the correct version of 'regasm.exe' for your target platform (i.e. "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe"). Take note of 'Framework64'.