i am using mvc web api as background api of ionic project(using angularjs) and want to use session for passing data to dictionary,in order that i can get limited data from total data and display them in first page,then next data as well as scrolling, please help me

public IHttpActionResult takenCourseDetails(int masterCourseId, int secId, int page, int PageSize, int IsPaging)
            if (IsPaging == 0)
                if (page == 0)
                    LoadAllEventToSession(masterCourseId, secId);

                    var eventList = GetProductsForPage(page);
                    return Ok(eventList);
            return Ok();

public void LoadAllEventToSession(int masterCourseId, int secId)

            if (db.View_TeachMatEventList.Where(m => m.MasterCourseId == masterCourseId && m.SectionId == secId).Any())
                var allEventList = db.View_TeachMatEventList.Where(m => m.MasterCourseId == masterCourseId && m.SectionId == secId
                   && m.HasParent==false && m.Status == 1).OrderBy(m => m.EventNumber).ToList();

                int cmnIndex = 1;

                var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
                session["event"] = allEventList.ToDictionary(m => cmnIndex++, m => m);
                session["totalEvent"] = allEventList.Count();


 public Dictionary<int, TeachMatEventsModelView> GetProductsForPage(int pageNum)
            var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
            Dictionary<int, TeachMatEventsModelView> eventList= (session["event"] as Dictionary<int, TeachMatEventsModelView>);
            int from = (pageNum * ShowEventPerPage);
            int to = from + ShowEventPerPage;//ShowEventPerPage=5;
            return eventList.Where(x => x.Key > from && x.Key <= to).OrderBy(x => x.Key).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

Error: error

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  • Possible duplicate of [What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660142/what-is-a-nullreferenceexception-and-how-do-i-fix-it) – Federico Dipuma May 19 '16 at 12:24
  • Already solved by another way. Because session variable is not working here properly. Thank you. – austBD.60 May 25 '16 at 05:46

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