here is my module in aspBoilerpLate in Application Layer

 [DependsOn(typeof(TransitCoreModule), typeof(AbpAutoMapperModule))]
    public class TransitApplicationModule : AbpModule
        public override void Initialize()

and here is my webapimodule

 [DependsOn(typeof(AbpWebApiModule), typeof(TransitApplicationModule))]
    public class TransitWebApiModule : AbpModule
        public override void Initialize()

                .ForAll<IApplicationService>(typeof(TransitApplicationModule).Assembly, "app")

            Configuration.Modules.AbpWebApi().HttpConfiguration.Filters.Add(new HostAuthenticationFilter("Bearer"));

and here is my AppService

 public class MeetingAppService : TransitAppServiceBase, IMeetingAppService
        private readonly IMeetingManager _meetingManager;
        private readonly IRepository<Meeting.Meeting, Guid> _meetingRepository;
        public MeetingAppService (IMeetingManager meetingManager, IRepository<Meeting.Meeting, Guid> meetingRepository)
            _meetingManager = meetingManager;
            _meetingRepository = meetingRepository;
        public Task Cancel (EntityRequestInput<Guid> input)
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        public async Task Create (CreateMeetingInput input)
            var meeting= Meeting.Meeting.Create(AbpSession.GetTenantId(), input.Subject, input.Title, input.Date, input.StartTime, input.EndTime, input.Secretary, input.Description, input.Agenda);
            await _meetingManager.CreateAsync(meeting);

        public async Task<MeetingDetailOutput> GetDetail (EntityRequestInput<Guid> input)
            var meeting = await _meetingRepository
                .Where(m => m.Id == input.Id)

            return meeting.MapTo<MeetingDetailOutput>();


        public async Task<ListResultOutput<MeetingListDto>> GetList (GetMeetingListInput input)
            var meetings = await _meetingRepository.GetAll()

            return new ListResultOutput<MeetingListDto>(meetings.MapTo<List<MeetingListDto>>());


when i want to access http://localhost:6634/api/services/app/meeting/Create i get error 500 message=An error has occurred. i cant find a way to debug it how can i debug this ?

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2 Answers2


If you are pasting this url in the browser, then you're attempting to get to the api services using a GET request. The ABP api uses POST requests by default.

I suggest you try the Postman Chrome Extension to debug the api.

Jacques Snyman
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Sometimes it does not understand that the request comes from a valid source.

Please try below code in service:


public class MeetingAppService : TransitAppServiceBase, IMeetingAppService
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