I know my question is easy to anyone. Just learning this PHP almost one month. I tried to perform my login system using OOP style. Where I need to login as a default user where the username and password is admin. When I tried to login it's saying object not found.

Object not found!

So here my code below.


CREATE TABLE loginmodule
loginUsername VARCHAR(50),
loginPassword VARCHAR(50)

Here is my login script.



<!doctype html>
   <title>Login Frame</title>
     <div id = "container">
     <form action = "post" action = "../process/createProcess.php">

    <div class = "form-field">
        <input type = "text" id = "username" name = "loginUsername" placeholder = "Enter Username">

    <div class = "form-field">
        <input type = "password" id = "password" name = "loginPassword" placeholder = "Enter Password">

    <div class = "form-field">
        <input type = "submit" id = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Login">
    </div><!--- end container --->

So I set aside my CRUD in another file. loginCRUD.php

class CRUD
 public function readLogin($dbusername,$dbpassword)
    global $myDatabase;
    $result = $myDatabase->query("SELECT * FROM loginmodule WHERE loginUsername = '$dbusername' AND loginPassword = '$dbpassword'");

    if($result->num_rows > 0)
        $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
        return $row;

Last where I set aside also my process where my validation happens. createProcess.php




$dbusername = $_POST['loginUsername']; //Get the value from textfield.
$dbpassword = $_POST['loginPassword'];

if(!empty($dbusername) && !empty($dbpassword))
    if($loginUsername == $dbusername && $loginPassword == $dbpassword)
        $create = loginCRUD::readLogin($dbusername,$dbusername);
        echo "You are logged in!";
        @$_SESSION['loginUsername'] = $loginUsername;


Guide me if I missed something. If there's a shortcut style than this let me know :)

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  • Can you update the question with the full error message please? It will be easier to help you. – olibiaz May 09 '16 at 17:46
  • `$myDataase` is a typo. Should be `$myDatabase`, right? – chris85 May 09 '16 at 17:47
  • This statement, `if($loginUsername == $dbusername && $loginPassword == $dbpassword){ ...`, from where did you get `$loginUsername` and `$loginPassword`? – Rajdeep Paul May 09 '16 at 17:47
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    You should use parameterized queries as well with prepared statements. This is open to SQL injections as is. http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli.quickstart.prepared-statements.php – chris85 May 09 '16 at 17:48
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    If your passwords are plain text that also is a separate issue you should correct. http://security.blogoverflow.com/2011/11/why-passwords-should-be-hashed/ – chris85 May 09 '16 at 17:50
  • @chris85 I didn't notice the type. Just trying to learn this also will move on to Prepared Statements after this :) – Francisunoxx May 09 '16 at 17:50
  • Also this statement, `$create = loginCRUD::readLogin($dbusername,$dbusername);` is wrong. You have to create an instance of class `CRUD` to call it's method `readLogin()`. – Rajdeep Paul May 09 '16 at 17:55
  • @MiaLegaspi Create an object of class `CRUD` and call it's method `readLogin()`, like this: `(new CRUD)->readLogin($dbusername,$dbpassword);` – Rajdeep Paul May 09 '16 at 18:03
  • @RajdeepPaul Sorry I forgot an object. Already create an instance of class but still not working. – Francisunoxx May 09 '16 at 18:06
  • @MiaLegaspi I've given an answer below. Hopefully this will resolve your issue. – Rajdeep Paul May 09 '16 at 18:44

1 Answers1


There are several errors in your code, such as:

  • There are two action attribute in your form tag.

    <form action = "post" action = "../process/createProcess.php">
            ^                ^

    It should be,

    <form method="post" action="../process/createProcess.php">
  • On createProcess.php page, look at the following lines,

    1) if($loginUsername == $dbusername && $loginPassword == $dbpassword)
                ^                                 ^

    There are no variables named $loginUsername and $loginPassword

    2) $create = loginCRUD::readLogin($dbusername,$dbusername);
                                           ^            ^ 
                                     both the arguments are same

    You're calling readLogin() method in a wrong way. You should first create an instance of class CRUD and then call it's instance method readLogin(), like this way:

       (new CRUD)->readLogin($dbusername,$dbpassword);
    3) $_SESSION['loginUsername'] = $loginUsername;

    As I said, there is no variable named $loginUsername. It should be,

    $_SESSION['loginUsername'] = $dbusername;
  • Always start session at your very top of your PHP script, right after the opening PHP tag, like this:

        // your code
  • Your query is susceptible to SQL injection. Use prepared statements for mysqli to prevent any kind SQL injection. And this is how you can prevent SQL injection in PHP.

  • Never store password as a plain readable text, always perform salted password hashing on raw password before inserting it into the table.

  • Suggestion: Don't use global in your code. Why Globals are evil?

So your code should be like this:

CRUD class:

class CRUD{
    public function readLogin($dbusername,$dbpassword){
        global $myDatabase;
        $statement = $myDatabase->prepare("SELECT * FROM loginmodule WHERE loginUsername = ? AND loginPassword = ? LIMIT 1");
        $statement->bind_param("ss", $dbusername, $dbpassword);
            $result = $statement->get_result();
                $row = $result->fetch_assoc();
                return $row;
                return false;
            return false;


    $dbusername = $_POST['loginUsername'];
    $dbpassword = $_POST['loginPassword'];

    if(!empty($dbusername) && !empty($dbpassword)){
        if((new CRUD)->readLogin($dbusername,$dbpassword)){
            echo "You are logged in!";
            $_SESSION['loginUsername'] = $dbusername;

            // redirect the user to the home page
            echo "Incorrect username and/or password";


<div id = "container">
    <form method = "post" action = "../process/createProcess.php">
        <div class = "form-field">
            <input type = "text" id = "username" name = "loginUsername" placeholder = "Enter Username">

        <div class = "form-field">
            <input type = "password" id = "password" name = "loginPassword" placeholder = "Enter Password">

        <div class = "form-field">
            <input type = "submit" id = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Login">
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Rajdeep Paul
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  • This was the best explanation that I encounter. Last question what is the purpose of `"ss"` in `$statement->bind_param("ss", $dbusername, $dbpassword);` – Francisunoxx May 10 '16 at 04:40
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    @MiaLegaspi `s` specifies the type for the corresponding bind variable. Here `"ss"` means both `$dbusername` and `$dbpassword` is of type `string`. Here's [the documentation](http://php.net/manual/en/mysqli-stmt.bind-param.php). – Rajdeep Paul May 10 '16 at 07:55