im guessing there needs to be changes in the app delegate? Thanks for the help!

Ayesha Patel
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  • maybe this will help you http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29723231/use-uitabbarviewcontroller-in-portrait-but-uisplitviewcontroller-in-landscape-in – David Seek May 04 '16 at 11:44

1 Answers1


1) Create a sample Master/Detail via xcode

2) Drag a TabBarController on the storyboard

3) Change the TabBarController to the initial view controller.

4) Control Drag from the TabBarController to the SplitViewController

5) Assign a title to the SplitViewController in the storyboard

6) In the app delegate replace the reference to the SplitViewController as follows.

let tabBarViewController = self.window!.rootViewController as! UITabBarController
var splitViewController:UISplitViewController? = nil
for viewController in tabBarViewController.viewControllers! {
if viewController.title == "Master" {
    splitViewController = viewController as? UISplitViewController

let navigationController = splitViewController!.viewControllers[splitViewController!.viewControllers.count-1] as! UINavigationController
navigationController.topViewController!.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = splitViewController!.displayModeButtonItem()
splitViewController!.delegate = self
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