
I'm using UniServer Zero as PHP server but i wonder where to edit in php.ini or wherever in order to show up any errors, notices or warnings so that i make sure my code is working fine.

for example, I've made index.php file with the following code

$a = split(" ", "a b c");print_r($a);

I'm pretty sure this must gives me at least **Notice** that split method has been deprecated .. am i right?! but it did not show anything just blank page.

Also this wrongly code

echo date("F j, Y", 1234567890, "something makes it wrong"); 

should gives me **warning** that date() expects at most 2 parameters but it only gives me blank page!

show up errors, notices and warnings will helps me a lot as student so how can i do it ?

Note : My UniServer Zero version 12.1.1 is using PHP 7.0

Reham Fahmy
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1 Answers1

error_reporting( E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_NOTICE ); // That does all you want.
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