I want to retrive data from server...This is my method to call

private void getBooks(){
    //While the app fetched data we are displaying a progress dialog

    //Creating a rest adapter
    RestAdapter adapter = new RestAdapter.Builder()

    //Creating an object of our api interface
    IApiMethods api = adapter.create(IApiMethods.class);

    api.getBooks("78", new Callback<JSONObject>() {
        public void success(JSONObject jsonObject, Response response) {

        public void failure(RetrofitError error) {




This is my interface

     public interface IApiMethods {

      public void getBooks(@Field("cid") String cid, Callback<JSONObject> jsonObjectCallback);


I am getting error com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1 path $.

Please help me..For the first time i am using retofit library.

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1 Answers1


Your server is returning something like "your string from the server" instead of returning a JSON object:

{prop1: val1, prop2: val2, ...}

Either you need to change the response of you server to send back a JSON object or you need to change your interface definition to expect to String:

public interface IApiMethods {

  public void getBooks(@Field("cid") String cid, Callback<String> jsonObjectCallback);

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