I've tried so many profilers for node I've lost count. I've never seen a profiler that gives you this:

adobe scout

This image shows second-by-second usage of CPU (top and center) and memory (bottom). I can click on a single "frame" (a dividend of a second) to see exactly which functions executed on that frame and what memory was allocated and deallocated (GC'd). This is Adobe Scout for Flash/AS3.

I need to find a ghost (a memory leak :), and I've successfully used the above interface hundreds of times to eliminate unwanted allocations and debug why memory doesn't get freed when it should.

How do I find which part of my app is allocating memory on a visual timeline? I need a timeline to see specifically which part of my app is allocating memory and why. Right now everything happens so fast I can't use the "objects currently in memory" panel to do anything useful. And comparing "heap snapshots" is harder than using a timeline. Web-based or app is fine. I use Windows 7.

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Robin Rodricks
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  • I think you should ask "*How do I find which part of my app is allocating memory?*", and mention that you'd like to see a visual timeline of this; but asking "*Is there a visual profiler?*" is an off-topic tool request. – Bergi Apr 13 '16 at 13:26
  • @Bergi - Thanks Bergi. SO mods have become super quick with their trigger fingers so its really nice of you to help me fit my question into the SO "format". – Robin Rodricks Apr 13 '16 at 13:34

1 Answers1


I use pm2 as a process manager and they have a dashboard service keymetrics. You may have a look to see if match your need. :)

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  • Its not free and I cannot run it on my local PC to debug locally. I must give these guys access to my production server, something that is a no-no from a security perspective. – Robin Rodricks Apr 13 '16 at 13:39
  • However I can install pm2 (http://pm2.keymetrics.io/) does this give my visual profiling too? – Robin Rodricks Apr 13 '16 at 13:46
  • unfortunately, pm2 only have `pm2 monit` command(http://pm2.keymetrics.io/docs/usage/monitoring/), which should be dull comparing to your requirement. – hankchiutw Apr 13 '16 at 13:56