I use the Chrome in my laptop with Windows 7 OS, and the Chrome on Windows provides a Device Mode(shortcut is F12) so that it can simulate a specific mobile device to get and display a Web page in a Chrome tab as follow.

enter image description here

However, such Device Mode is only limited on a single Chrome tab, so when you close the tab and open a new one, the new tab get and show the web page as normal, not as in the Device Mode.

So my question is How to set the Device Mode permanently, and when I open a new tab in the Chrome, it runs on Device Mode by default. Is there any method or plug-in can help me to achieve it?

Tom Sabel
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4 Answers4


I believe that this is not applicable as Google created that mode for inspection purposes only not for navigating or viewing.

So you will need a smartphone simulator like the one which is provided by Android SDK or the IOS simulator which comes with XCODE on mac, or you can use a real smartphone of course, and you can inspect on it via your PC using ADOBE Edge Inspect extension on chrome.

Ahmed Alaa
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Chrome inspector mode is designed with testing in mind, and isn't intended for regular browser use. You might try a device simulator tool, like what's included in Xcode or Eclipse IDE.

Hope this helps.

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I think this is something what you are looking for

Google chrome plugin

Mihir Dave
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You can open devtool automatically with chrome switches, so i suppose that you can reach your goal with the correct one... our only problem is that chrome's switches are thousands... that's the documentation, good reading :D (unofficial documentation here)

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