Original title: Can't initialize dynamically appended (HTML) component in Angular 2

I've created a directive that appends a modal to the body on initialization. When a button (with the directive injected into it) is clicked this modal fires up. But I want the contents of this modal to be another component (In fact I want the modal to be the component). It seems that I can't initialize the component.

Here is a plunker of what I've done:


I'm trying to make my-comp the template of my component

 '<div class="modal-body" #theBody>' 
            + '<my-comp></my-comp>' + 
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1 Answers1


update for 2.0.0 final

Plunker example >= 2.0.0

  imports: [ BrowserModule ],
  declarations: [ App, ModalComponent, CompComponent],
  providers: [SharedService],
  entryComponents: [CompComponent],
  bootstrap: [ App, ModalComponent ]
export class AppModule{}
export class ModalComponent {
  @ViewChild('theBody', {read: ViewContainerRef}) theBody;


    private componentFactoryResolver: ComponentFactoryResolver, 
    injector: Injector) {

    sharedService.showModal.subscribe(type => {
      if(this.cmp) {
      let factory = this.componentFactoryResolver.resolveComponentFactory(type);
      this.cmpRef = this.theBody.createComponent(factory)

  close() {
    if(this.cmp) {
    this.cmp = null;


If one application change the state in SharedService or calls a method that causes an Observable to emit a value and the subscriber is in a different application then the emitter, the code in the subscriber is executed in the NgZone of the emitter.

Therefore when subscribing to an observable in SharedService use

class MyComponent {
  constructor(private zone:NgZone, private sharedService:SharedService) {
    private sharedService.subscribe(data => this.zone.run() => {
      // event handler code here

For more details how to trigger change detection see Triggering Angular2 change detection manually


Dynamically added HTML is not processed by Angular and doesn't result in components or directives to be instantiated or added.

You can't add components outside Angulars root component (AppComponent) using DynamicComponentLoader (deprecated) ViewContainerRef.createComponent() (Angular 2 dynamic tabs with user-click chosen components).

I guess the best approach is to create a 2nd component outside Angulars root component is to call bootstrap() on each and use a shared service to communicate:

var sharedService = new SharedService();

bootstrap(AppComponent, [provide(SharedService, {useValue: sharedService})]);
bootstrap(ModalComponent, [provide(SharedService, {useValue: sharedService})]);

Plunker example beta.17
Plunker example beta.14

export class SharedService {
  showModal:Subject = new Subject();

  selector: 'comp-comp',
  template: `MyComponent`
export class CompComponent { }

  selector: 'modal-comp',
  template: `
  <div class="modal fade" id="theModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="theModalLabel">
    <div class="modal-dialog largeWidth" role="document">
      <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-header">
        <h4 class="modal-title" id="theModalLabel">The Label</h4></div>
        <div class="modal-body" #theBody>
    <div class="modal-footer">
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal" (close)="close()">Close</button>
export class ModalComponent {
  constructor(sharedService:SharedService, dcl: DynamicComponentLoader, injector: Injector, elementRef: ElementRef) {
    sharedService.showModal.subscribe(type => {
      if(this.cmp) {
      dcl.loadIntoLocation(type, elementRef, 'theBody')
      .then(cmp => {
        this.cmp = cmp;

  close() {
    if(this.cmp) {
    this.cmp = null;

  selector: 'my-app',
  template: `
<h1>My First Attribute Directive</h1>
<button (click)="showDialog()">show modal</button>
export class AppComponent {
  constructor(private sharedService:SharedService) {}

  showDialog() {
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Günter Zöchbauer
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    There's an issue if you want to call another modal inside the first instance. It just replaces the content, not creates another modal instance. Example here : https://plnkr.co/edit/5sjn25CV6QLbLIs2FcWp?p=preview – Maxime Lafarie Mar 23 '17 at 11:01
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    Ugh, it's a long time I had a look into these components – Günter Zöchbauer Mar 23 '17 at 11:10
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    Yes I know, but I find it could be very useful, given that I'm stuck in a similar case : creating modals dynamically and call modal instance inside other modal instances – Maxime Lafarie Mar 23 '17 at 11:16