
I'm looking for a way to read multiple files in Vala. There's one example running throughout the internet about reading all files in a folder and sorting them by their type, but I couldn't make something out of that,still trying though. I'm talking about: http://www.valadoc.org/#!api=glib-2.0/GLib.Dir and https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/Vala/GIOSamples, mostly.

Inside my folder, I have a bunch of files plus my vala program. I need to read all of the files in that folder with a certain filename extension. e.g. Read all .txt files until there's not more .txt files in that folder.

Many thanks!

John Smith
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1 Answers1


I would do it in this way...

void main( )
  string dir = ".";
  Dir d;
    d = Dir.open( dir );
  catch ( FileError e )
    stderr.printf( "Could not open %s! %s", dir, e.message );
  unowned string? name;
  while ( ( name = d.read_name( ) ) != null )
    string path = Path.build_filename( dir, name );
    if ( name.down( ).has_suffix( ".txt" ) && FileUtils.test( path, FileTest.IS_REGULAR ) )
      FileStream? f = FileStream.open( path, "r" );
      if ( f == null )
        stderr.printf( "Error opening %s for reading! %d: %s\n", path, GLib.errno, GLib.strerror( GLib.errno ) );
      /* Read contents from f... */