I'm following https://chimp.readme.io/docs/tutorial steps, trying to get chimp up and running.

here are the steps listed:

mkdir chimp-tutorial
cd chimp-tutorial
npm install chimp
mkdir features
chimp --watch

However the last cmd returns

bash: chimp: command not found

I just installed Java 8v73, Node.js ... I'm getting around to cmdline - if I understand it proper, I'm doing a local install, and i can see /node_modules/ in /Users/pierre/ and there's the /chimp/ folder.... but if I then try to launch it from there via .../node_modules/chimp/bin/chimp.js --watch

no browser gets launched... Why? (I don't have admin rights on the machine so trying to figure out how to work locally)

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  • That looks interesting. I have not tried it, I think I will. – Dave McNulla Mar 16 '16 at 16:59
  • I was thinking it had to do with Chimp being a local install (no '-g' in the tutorial) but I am running into other issues. Trying to standalone selenium cmd I am not getting it to open a browser.... I did not have Java JDK installed, only JRE (and Selenium needs JDK). Baby steps. – Peter Mar 16 '16 at 17:12

2 Answers2


If you install Chimp without -g, you can still access is using ./node_modules/.bin/chimp

See here for more details: https://chimp.readme.io/docs/installation#section-local-installation

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It seem the intro steps are a little unclear - From a vanilla laptop you need to install a few extra programs to resolve the dependencies (in my case, I added java SDK on top of java JRE & Node.js)

As mentioned, the chimp install is local and not global - It keeps telling me the command is not valid when called from the /chimp-tutorial/ dir.

However, calling it from where I expected it (.../node_modules/chimp/bin/chimp.js --watch) launches it and produces the expected output

[chimp] Running...
selenium-standalone installation [====================] 100% 0.0s

and after some wait (took a good minute the first time I think) A chrome browser is launched (was getting errors, did $npm chromedriver install to fix) and more output shows on screen:

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  • That's good for people who try this but have similar errors. I tried it and it worked OK for me. Glad you got your answer. – Dave McNulla Mar 16 '16 at 19:36
  • Thanks for checking on it Dave. Did you use '-g' when you installed chimp? Because following the steps I get "bash: chimp: command not found" when invoking chimp.... – Peter Mar 16 '16 at 21:18