I know this question has been asked for multiple times, but when i saw the other same questions, it can't solve my problem. So when i want to load Google Maps API it got error ReferenceError: google is not defined

so this is my code when loading source javascript in backbone.js

// This is the runtime configuration file.  It complements the Gruntfile.js by
// supplementing shared properties. 

// Initialize the application with the main application file
deps: ["main"],
waitSeconds: 200,

// Set url arguments add timestamp for development purpose
//urlArgs: (window.location.host === "localhost" ? "_=" + (new Date()).getTime() : ""),

paths: {
    // Core
    "almond": "../assets/js/almond/almond",
    "underscore": "../assets/js/lodash/lodash.underscore",
    "jquery": "../assets/js/jquery/jquery-1.11.1",
    "backbone": "../assets/js/backbone/backbone",

    // Extra
    "backbone.layoutmanager": "../assets/js/backbone.layoutmanager/backbone.layoutmanager",
    "metronic": "../assets/js/metronic",
    "layout": "../assets/js/layout",
    "bootstrap": "../assets/js/bootstrap/bootstrap.min",
    //"datatables": "../assets/js/datatables/jquery.dataTables",
    //"datatables-bootstrap": "../assets/js/datatables/dataTables.bootstrap",
    "highcharts": "../assets/js/highcharts/highcharts",
    "highcharts-more": "../assets/js/highcharts/highcharts-more",
    "serializeobject": "../assets/js/serialize-object",
    "jquery.validation": "../assets/js/jquery.validation/jquery.validate",
    "jquery.validation.additional": "../assets/js/jquery.validation/additional-methods",
    "md5": "../assets/js/md5/md5",
    "phpjs.unserialize": "../assets/js/phpjs/var/unserialize",
    "jquery.cookie": "../assets/js/jquery.cookie/jquery.cookie",
    "prism": "../assets/js/chosen/docsupport/prism",
    "autocomplete": "../assets/js/autocomplete/jquery.autocomplete.min",
    "currency": "../assets/js/autocomplete/currency-autocomplete",
    "jquery.growl": "../assets/js/jquery.growl/jquery.growl",
shim: {
    "underscore": {
        "exports": "_"
    "backbone": {
        "deps": ["jquery", "underscore"],
        "exports": "Backbone"
    "backbone.layoutmanager": {
        "deps": ["jquery", "backbone", "underscore"],
        "exports": "Backbone.Layout"
    //"datatables": ["jquery"],
    //"datatables-bootstrap": ["jquery", "datatables", "bootstrap"],
    "highcharts": ["jquery"],
    "highcharts-more": ["jquery", "highcharts"],
    "layout":["jquery", "metronic"],
    "jquery-ui": ["jquery"],
    "respond": ["jquery"],
    "heatmap":["jquery", "highcharts"],
    "serializeobject": ["jquery"],
    "jquery.validation": ["jquery"],
    "jquery.validation.additional": ["jquery", "jquery.validation"],
    "md5": ["jquery"],
   // "exporting":["jquery-ui"]
    "gmaps": {
        deps: ["http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3&sensor=false&callback=initialize"],
        exports: "GMaps"

urlArgs: ("_=" + (new Date()).getDate())

and this is when i use it in a function

this.map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-store'), {
     center: {lat: -2.251617, lng: 120.278320},
     scrollwheel: true,
     zoom: 4

is there something wrong in my code ?? Thank you.

  • This might help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23365972/require-js-lazy-loading-remote-url – J. Titus Mar 09 '16 at 22:14
  • Your exports should have the same name as the global created by that library. which I think is `google`. how does require know what is `gmaps` from your configuration..? and how are you requiring this in your module? – T J Mar 10 '16 at 04:11

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