I have an SQL table called products_list containing details of products, i could list out two of the very important fields here, based on which i need to integrate the INTELLECT SEARCH RESULT.

  1. product_id

  2. product_title

Example of content within

  1. Lenovo K3 Note

  2. Lenovo ZUK

  3. Apple Iphone 6s

  4. Lenovo A6000

and so on.

What i require?

if user enters lenov, it should result with 'lenovo k3 Note, lenovo zuk, lenovo a6000'

if user enters le, it should result with 'lenovo k3 Note, lenovo zuk, lenovo a6000, apple iphone 6s'

if user enters 6 iphon, it should result with 'apple iphone 6s'

NOTE: very importantly i need most matching product to list first, Eg, if user enters lenov zu, the result should sort by most matched string here like, 'lenovo zuk first, lenovo a6000 and lenovo k3 in any order'

What i tried?

i tried using 'like', which almost worked but failed to sort with most matched string. select * from product_list where product_title like '%$searchString%' order by product_title asc

i tried using 'MATCH AGAINST' logic, this worked but failed to sort again.

select *, MATCH(product_title) AGAINST ('$searchString*') AS RELEVANCE from product_list where MATCH(product_title) AGAINST ('$searchString*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) order by RELEVANCE DESC

RELEVANCE is always 0

NOTE: i have used MyISAM as Storage Engine, and added FULLTEXT INDEX to the field product_title

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