I'm trying to update a node value from a XML file but when I'm trying to do this action is throwing an exception "Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

This is what I have:

public void UpdateXMLValues(List<string> values)
    XmlNode node;
    xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
    node = xmldoc.SelectSingleNode("Servers/MYSERVER");
    XMLValues = new List<string>(values);
    node.Attributes["Host"].Value = XMLValues[0];

and this is my XML information:


When I press F11 in the line node.Attributes["Host"].values = XMLValues[0]; I'm getting the error

any idea?

Javier Salas
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1 Answers1


Host is not an attribute of the MYSERVER element. It's an element inside it.

You can access it like so:

var hostNode = node["Host"];
hostNode.Value = XMLValues[0];

For reference, if it was an attribute, your XML would look like this:

<MYSERVER host="some_host">
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