         Planning >>

I'm trying to locate the element with "Phase: Planning >> Performance" text on the above but to no avail.

Tried using :

//*[text()[contains(normalize-space(.),'Phase: Planning >> Performance')]]
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4 Answers4


None of the currently existing other three answers will do exactly what you ask.

Here are some XPath expressions that will:

  • You can select the small elements whose normalized string value is Phase: Planning >> Performance via this XPath:

    //small[normalize-space() = 'Phase: Planning >> Performance']
  • You can select all elements, regardless of name whose normalized string values equals the targeted string:

    //*[normalize-space() = 'Phase: Planning >> Performance']

    but this will select not only small but also div because both have a string value equal to Phase: Planning >> Performance.

  • You can select only the lowest element in the hierarchy, regardless of name whose normalized string values equals the targeted string:

    //*[         normalize-space() = 'Phase: Planning >> Performance' and 
        not(.//*[normalize-space() = 'Phase: Planning >> Performance'])]

It is important to realize that XPath text() = is different than XPath . =.

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Try Below:-


Hope it will help you :)

Shubham Jain
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<span>Planning &gt;&gt;</span>

try this code

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The text Phase: Planning >> and Performance belongs to two different elements.

To locate Phase: Planning >> element you can use


And to locate the Performance element


Note that that printing the first element will give you the text of both elements Phase: Planning >> Performance.

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