I have these inputs:


I want to match these inputs, except positions 9 and 10, like below:


So, to be clear: match 1-8, exclude 9-10, match 11-16.

Alan Moore
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    Possible duplicate of [How to match "any character" in Java Regular Expression?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2912894/how-to-match-any-character-in-java-regular-expression) – DavidS Mar 01 '16 at 21:16
  • Why not `(.{8})..(.+) `? –  Mar 01 '16 at 21:18
  • Or, `string_new = string_old.replace("(.{8})..(.+)", "$1$2");` –  Mar 01 '16 at 21:25

1 Answers1


To expand upon the answer from https://stackoverflow.com/users/557597/sln of


The 'thing' you are missing from your understanding of Regex is 'grouping'


If you use regex like this, you can do lots of nice things including 'pull out' parts of a line and then re-arrange them. But it also helps you group 'parts' that you want to search for.

so his


matches '.' which is 'any single character' and then {8} means 'match any single character 8 times.


means 'group the first 8 characters' for use.


means 'match any two characters'


means 'match 1 or more of 'any character'


means "group that 1 or more of 'any character' for later use"


When you put them all together you get


Which means 'match the first 8 characters (any 8 characters) as group 1' then 'any two characters' then '1 or more characters as group 2'

This would allow you to (depending on your regex client/etc.) is use $1 and $2 to print out, use or ...whatever... the values of group 1 and/or group 2.

Hope this helps.

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  • I don't see what grouping has to do with the user's question. He's looking to match some string while ignoring some characters. This can be achieved with `.`. There is no need to involve any other regex feature. – DavidS Mar 01 '16 at 23:53
  • ahh, he edited the question and made it more clear that he wanted 'exact' string matches, not 'whatever string matches this pattern' Then yes, this is a little bit much, and not actually 'exactly' what he needs, but still use of groups when does smart (even if you don't use them later) can help with regex clarity. – mawalker Mar 01 '16 at 23:56