I'm trying to create a batch file that will constantly ping google.com and check the response time - "time=Xms".

  • If the time <= 39ms the text of that ping(or the background) should be green.
  • If the time > 40ms and < 80ms the text of that ping(or the background) should turn orange.
  • If the time >= 80ms the text of that ping(or the background) should turn red.

I have this batch at the moment which pings google every 3 seconds changes the background from green to red if the response fails:

    @echo off
:color 97

PING -n 1 www.google.com 
call :color
goto :start

        COLOR 27
    ) else (
        COLOR 47
    ping -n 1 >nul
    COLOR 74
    ping -n 1 >nul
    COLOR 47
    ping -n 3 >nul

This works fine but I don't know how to test response times.

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  • Take a look at this. It doesn't do the color changing bit, but it has the code to evaluate ping response times. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35591855/writing-a-batch-file-to-detect-ping-anomalies/35633613#35633613 – Wes Larson Feb 26 '16 at 18:16

3 Answers3


There are some quirks.

a) you have to get the desired value of ping to a variable. Use a for to get it.

b) you can't compare it directly, because if compares strings, not numbers (2 is bigger than 10). Add leading zeros to the string (and afterwards cut it to a fixed length)

c) cmd has no native way of coloring single lines (or characters). It can be done with pure cmd, but I think, powershell is a much better way to do it.

@echo off
set "tim=unreachable"
for /f "tokens=7 delims== " %%i in ('PING -n 1 www.google.com ^|find "TTL"') do set "tim=%%i"
set "ti=0000%tim%"
set "ti=%ti:~-6,-2%"
if %ti% leq 0040 powershell write-host -foreground green %tim% & goto :loop
if %ti% leq 0080 powershell write-host -foreground yellow %tim% & goto :loop
powershell write-host -foreground red %tim% & goto :loop
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Try like this :

@echo off
Title Echo Ping Reply
mode con cols=57 lines=6
::Choose how many seconds you must wait for the refresh
Set MyPause=3
:color 97

ping www.google.com | findstr /i "TTL"
Timeout /Nobreak /t %MyPause% > Nul
call :color
goto :start

        COLOR 27
    ) else (
        COLOR 47
    ping -n 1 >nul
    COLOR 74
    ping -n 1 >nul
    COLOR 47
    ping -n 3 >nul
  • 15,943
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  • Hi, thanks for the reply, but from what I can understand this doesnt check the amount of time taken for pings response. I'm pretty dependant on my ping (time=Xms) being low and need a way to check it. At the moment it looks like this is just checking that the ping happens, not how fast/slow it happens (the amount of time taken). I just dont know how to place the "time=X ms" into a variable so that it can be used in a if statement. – MajorHints Feb 26 '16 at 16:35

Because sometimes PowerShell isn't an option, I figured I'd piece some things together and do this all as a batch script.
Writing a batch file to detect ping anomalies
How to have multiple colors in a Windows batch file?

:: usage: badpings-color.bat [ip adress | hostname] 

@echo off
set /a warnlimit=79 :: greater than this value is red
                    :: between the two values is yellow
set /a goodlimit=39 :: less than or equal to this value is green

if "%1"=="" (
    set pingdest=google.com
    ) else (
    set pingdest=%1

echo Pinging %pingdest%.
::echo Logging replies over %limit%ms.
echo Press Ctrl+C to end.

for /f "usebackq tokens=1-6" %%a in (`ping -n 1 %pingdest% ^| findstr "Request Reply request"`) do (
    set var=%%a %%b %%c %%d %%e %%f
    set pingtimestr=%%e

if "%pingtimestr%"=="find" (
    echo Ping request could not find host %pingdest%. Please check the name and try again.
    goto End
if "%pingtimestr%"=="host" (
    set /a pingtime=%warnlimit%+1   
if not defined pingtimestr (
    set /a pingtime=%warnlimit%+1
if "%pingtimestr:~0,4%"=="time" (
    set /a pingtime=%pingtimestr:~5,-2% 

if %pingtime% LEQ %goodlimit% (
    call :c 02 "[%time%] %var%" /n
    goto EndOfLoop
if %pingtime% LEQ %warnlimit% (
    call :c 0E "[%time%] %var%" /n
    goto EndOfLoop
if %pingtime% GTR %warnlimit% (
    call :c 0C "[%time%] %var%" /n
    goto EndOfLoop

timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
Goto Loop

:: this section is from 
:: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4339649/how-to-have-multiple-colors-in-a-windows-batch-file/10407642#10407642

setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

:colorPrint Color  Str  [/n]
set "s=%~2"
call :colorPrintVar %1 s %3
exit /b

:colorPrintVar  Color  StrVar  [/n]
if not defined DEL call :initColorPrint
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
pushd .
cd \
set "s=!%~2!"
:: The single blank line within the following IN() clause is critical - DO NOT REMOVE
for %%n in (^"^

^") do (
  set "s=!s:\=%%~n\%%~n!"
  set "s=!s:/=%%~n/%%~n!"
  set "s=!s::=%%~n:%%~n!"
for /f delims^=^ eol^= %%s in ("!s!") do (
  if "!" equ "" setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
  if %%s==\ (
    findstr /a:%~1 "." "\'" nul
    <nul set /p "=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%"
  ) else if %%s==/ (
    findstr /a:%~1 "." "/.\'" nul
    <nul set /p "=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%"
  ) else (
    >colorPrint.txt (echo %%s\..\')
    findstr /a:%~1 /f:colorPrint.txt "."
    <nul set /p "=%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%%DEL%"
if /i "%~3"=="/n" echo(
exit /b

for /f %%A in ('"prompt $H&for %%B in (1) do rem"') do set "DEL=%%A %%A"
<nul >"%temp%\'" set /p "=."
subst ': "%temp%" >nul
exit /b

2>nul del "%temp%\'"
2>nul del "%temp%\colorPrint.txt"
>nul subst ': /d
exit /b


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