I'm trying to create a nuget package for UWP targeting separate CPU architecture builds (arm, x64, x86). I'm using nuget 3.3.0. Reading latest nuget documentation, I understood that this can be achieved using "runtimes" folders.

This is package structure: package structure

Installing the package to a UWP project adds the dependencies but it doesn't add references for assemblies from lib folders as a result I can't use the content. There are no errors packing or installing the package.

Searching on internet I found other ways to pack CPU architecture specific builds (most relevant ones: 1, 2). All of them seems to target old nuget versions (<3.0.0).

Are "runtimes" the right way to solve this problem with latest nuget version? If yes what am I doing wrong?

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1 Answers1


See https://github.com/NuGet/Home/issues/1221.

In summary, you'll have to place your architecture specific binaries in the runtimes folder. In addition you need a surface area implementation to be placed in the ref folder. The trick is to use the corflags command to generate the library for your ref folder.

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