I want to ask how should I test my fingerprint authentication on Android Emulator?

I was trying to use

adb -e emu finger touch [finger_id]

referred from link here but it seems to be not working with my Emulator.

My Emulator is Targeting API 23, Android 6.0, x86_64.

Any help will be appreciated.


Sunny Bansal
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6 Answers6


You can do it from Emulator itself

Go to Settings -> Security--> Set a device lock methos-->Create a pattern

enter image description here

Then click on FingerPrint to register some fingerprints

enter image description here

Now You can use fingerprints from emulator settings as shown in pic below

enter image description here

Hitesh Sahu
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  • using android studio 3.4 , android PIXEL api Q emulator . But it always forgot fingerprint after reboot . I have to set fingerprint every time i reboots the emulator – xaif Jul 03 '19 at 03:09
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    It should be noted that if you are trying out a module such as https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-native-biometrics `isSensorAvailable()` will say the sensor is unavailable until you setup fingerprints as described above. – JanithaR Feb 05 '20 at 12:32
  • the fingerprint addition must be done via the extended control panel; just a note. – Ajowi May 20 '21 at 05:37

Hi you have to connect to Telnet even if you're using Mac:

telnet 5554

then enter the cmd to authenticate

auth yourtoken

your authentication token is in this file '/Users/yourname/.emulator_console_auth_token'

then you have to register the finger print before to use the command. So go in Settings -> Security -> Fingerprint -> Add fingerprint and launch the command on terminal

finger touch 1

Now your fingerprint with ID 1 is enrolled and you can use it to authenticate

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Adding to above answer of "br00"

If you are using Windows then please do below steps.

1.) Check if you have telnet installed or not. Simply run "telnet" command in cmd prompt. If it say command not found. Then install telnet using below link:


For me its simply in Windows 7

pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient" in command prompt

2.) Run emulator and check its id. Emulator id usually appears in title bar of Emulator. :5554 So id is 5554

3.) Enter below command in cmd prompt

telnet 5554

4.) Add auth token in telnet window:

auth "yourtoken String"

Usually you will find auth token at below path


Just open the file and copy the token and pass it in above command in telnet window

5.) then you have to register the finger print before to use the command. So go in Settings -> Security -> Fingerprint -> Add fingerprint

Now open your telnet session command window and enter following command:

finger touch 1

Now your fingerprint with ID 1 is enrolled and you can use it to authenticate

6.) Repeat step 5 if you want to add multiple finger print. But make sure you always add new finger print id. Here is 1 in step 5.

7.) Now when you want to authenticate just use below command in telnet window:

finger touch 1

That's It

Avtar Guleria
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follow these steps:

  1. Install Android SDK Tools Revision 24.3, if you have not done so.
  2. Enroll a new fingerprint in the emulator by going to Settings > Security > Fingerprint, then follow the enrollment instructions.
  3. Use an emulator to emulate fingerprint touch events with the following command. Use the same command to emulate fingerprint touch events on the lockscreen or in your app.

adb -e emu finger touch

On Windows, you may have to run telnet followed by finger touch

Dhaval Jivani
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You can do it in the emulator itself

Go to Settings -> Security--> Set a device lock method-->Create a pattern

Then click fingerPrint.If you can add fingerprint in the emulator you can use the following command

./adb -e emu finger touch 1

Arjun Othayoth
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It works as follows:

telnet 5554 followed by finger touch 1 for instance. You can give any random number to test it out.

Jeff B
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