I have data in a wide format, which have two different sets of value columns: those which contain mass (Mass1, Mass2 etc) and those which contain the corresponding dates (Mass1_date, Mass2_date etc).


df <- structure(list(Year = 2004, Nest_no = 21, Mass1 = 2325, Mass1_date = structure(1081987200, class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), Mass2 = 2000, Mass2_date = structure(1082851200, class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC"), Mass3 = 1750, Mass3_date = structure(1083715200, class = c("POSIXct", 
"POSIXt"), tzone = "UTC")), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
), row.names = c(NA, -1L), .Names = c("Year", "Nest_no", "Mass1", 
"Mass1_date", "Mass2", "Mass2_date", "Mass3", "Mass3_date"))


## Source: local data frame [1 x 8]
##    Year Nest_no Mass1 Mass1_date Mass2 Mass2_date Mass3 Mass3_date
##   (dbl)   (dbl) (dbl)     (time) (dbl)     (time) (dbl)     (time)
## 1  2004      21  2325 2004-04-15  2000 2004-04-25  1750 2004-05-05

I would like to "tidy" the data into a long format, where the two sets of value columns are gathered (melted) into two different value columns, one column containing the values of the 'Mass columns', and one with the values of the 'date columns':

## Source: local data frame [3 x 5]
##    Year Nest_no capture       date weight
##   (dbl)   (dbl)   (dbl)     (date)  (dbl)
## 1  2004      21       1 2004-04-15   2325
## 2  2004      21       2 2004-04-25   2000
## 3  2004      21       3 2004-05-05   1750

At first, I thought I could use tidyr and do it in two steps.

gather(df, capture, date, contains("Date")) %>% 
  gather(capture2, weight, contains("Mass"))

## Source: local data frame [9 x 6]
##    Year Nest_no    capture       date capture2 weight
##   (dbl)   (dbl)      (chr)     (time)    (chr)  (dbl)
## 1  2004      21 Mass1_date 2004-04-15    Mass1   2325
## 2  2004      21 Mass2_date 2004-04-25    Mass1   2325
## 3  2004      21 Mass3_date 2004-05-05    Mass1   2325
## 4  2004      21 Mass1_date 2004-04-15    Mass2   2000
## 5  2004      21 Mass2_date 2004-04-25    Mass2   2000
## 6  2004      21 Mass3_date 2004-05-05    Mass2   2000
## 7  2004      21 Mass1_date 2004-04-15    Mass3   1750
## 8  2004      21 Mass2_date 2004-04-25    Mass3   1750
## 9  2004      21 Mass3_date 2004-05-05    Mass3   1750

However, it was not working as expected. After few tries, I came up with this solution:

df <- gather(df, capture2, weight, contains("Mass"), convert = T) %>% 
  mutate(capture = extract_numeric(capture2))

## Warning: attributes are not identical across measure variables; they will
## be dropped

df$capture2 <- ifelse(grepl("date", df$capture2), "date", "weight")

df <- spread(df, capture2, weight) %>% 
  mutate(date = as.Date(as.POSIXct(date, origin = "1970-01-01")))


## Source: local data frame [3 x 5]
##    Year Nest_no capture       date weight
##   (dbl)   (dbl)   (dbl)     (date)  (dbl)
## 1  2004      21       1 2004-04-15   2325
## 2  2004      21       2 2004-04-25   2000
## 3  2004      21       3 2004-05-05   1750

I was wondering if there was a better way to acheive this?

Thank you, Philippe

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1 Answers1


We can do this easily with melt from data.table. The measure can take multiple patterns of column names and convert the 'wide' to 'long' format.

melt(as.data.table(df), measure=patterns('\\d$', 'date$'),
         variable.name='capture', value.name= c('weight', 'date'))
#   Year Nest_no capture weight       date
#1: 2004      21       1   2325 2004-04-15
#2: 2004      21       2   2000 2004-04-25
#3: 2004      21       3   1750 2004-05-05
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