I am trying to accomplish the following....

  1. Create a dropdown menu that is a list of last names
  2. When a last name is selected, display all of the images with that last name


    function displayAllImages() {
        var smith = ["text instead of Smith pictures","text instead of Smith pictures2"];
        var jones = ["text instead of Jones pictures"];

        for (i=0;i<2;i++) {
          document.write("<li><p>" + smith[i] + "<p/></li>");
  <option value="smith">Smith</option>
  <option value="jones">Jones</option>

What I need help with is relaying the dropdown selection to the the javascript function so I can switch between arrays.

Thank you!

Zakaria Acharki
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  • Are you expecting to show all images that *match* the selected value or that *contain* the selected value? – sbeliv01 Feb 01 '16 at 20:41
  • 7
    Pro-tip: don't use `document.write`. [It will ruin your life.](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/802854/why-is-document-write-considered-a-bad-practice) – Mike Cluck Feb 01 '16 at 20:41
  • This is just a simple example, but I will have arrays of image paths, and when a dropdown is selected, that corresponding array name will display all of the elements – nickruggiero Feb 01 '16 at 20:42
  • Can you post your real array of image paths?. We need to see the real issue that you have. – Danny Fardy Jhonston Bermúdez Feb 01 '16 at 20:47

3 Answers3


Use on change event to capture the changes in you select and append the lis items to the target ul using the related array to the selected value.

NOTE : Using window[string] in the example bellow to get the variable name from string (selected option value).

var smith = ["text instead of Smith pictures","text instead of Smith pictures2"];
var jones = ["text instead of Jones pictures"];

$('select').on('change', function(){
    $('ul').empty(); //reset ul
    var selected_array = window[$(this).val()];

    for (i=0;i<selected_array.length;i++) {
      $('ul').append("<li><p>" + selected_array[i] + "<p/></li>");
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <option value="smith">Smith</option>
  <option value="jones">Jones</option>
Zakaria Acharki
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A different approach all in javascript can be:

function displayAllImages(ele) {
  var smith = ["text instead of Smith pictures","text instead of Smith pictures2"];
  var jones = ["text instead of Jones pictures"];

  var obj = jones;
  var target = document.getElementsByClassName('target')[0];
  target.innerHTML = '';
  if (ele.selectedOptions[0].value == 'smith') {
    obj = smith;
  obj.forEach(function(currValue, index, arr) {
    target.innerHTML += "<li><p>" + currValue + "</p></li>";
window.onload = function(e) {
<select id="selectBox" onchange="displayAllImages(this);">
    <option value="smith">Smith</option>
    <option value="jones">Jones</option>
    <ul class='target'>
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var arrAllImages = [];
arrAllImages["smith"] =
arrAllImages["jones"] =
function displayUserImages() {
    var strUserName = $("select").val();
    $.each(arrAllImages[strUserName], function () {
        $("<li><img src='" + this + "'/></li>").appendTo("ul");
$(document).ready(function () {

    $("select").change(function () {
    list-style: none ;
    display: inline
li img{
    height: 150px;
    width: 150px;
    margin-right: 5px;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <option value="smith">Smith</option>
        <option value="jones">Jones</option>
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