Some people want to make the -ms-clear pseudo element disappear: Remove IE10's "clear field" X button on certain inputs?

My need is the opposite: I need to have it on FireFox and Chrome too. My client noticed it in Internet Explorer and founded it very useful. I use jquery-inputmask plugin BTW in my app. https://github.com/RobinHerbots/jquery.inputmask/issues/1172

Addition to the answer: I just double checked how DataTables's column filters handle this, because I remembered that it provides clear icon on FF and Chrome. I tried it out now in IE, and the IE's pseudo element puts an extra X there! The pseudo element is the bigger one, and the smaller one which is there in FF and Chrome also is a background image justified to the right with a right margin of 5px. enter image description here

Csaba Toth
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1 Answers1


That is a native feature that is shipped with IE10. In order to have something like that in other browsers you will need to create it yourself. Or find a library that has a feature like that.

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