I am completely new to Linux and I want to download and practice linux commands without letting go of my windows pc. I have a Dell Inspiron with 500 GB Hard Drive, 4 GB RAM and Pentium CPU B980 (2.4 GHz) processor with Windows 8.1 on it. I installed virtualbox and downloaded Ubuntu Linux, Linux Mint, Mageia but they all are very slow. I checked all possible answers here and on other sites, but I am unable to make it run faster. I believe it's because all these Linux Distros(This is the fancy word that's used to name them right? ) have graphical interfaces. So is there a linux which comes with only command line interface and is pretty much LIGHTWEIGHT FOR "VIRTUALBOX"?


P.S. I am totally new to Linux and I dont even know what it is properly. I just want to install it and practice few commands for now.

Thanks :D

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    try to install ubuntu, it is very simple and is more friendly than I know, less than 20GB is enough – Simon Puente Jan 26 '16 at 06:07
  • I tried it, but it's very slow. and What do you mean 20 GB? Are you referring to RAM? and I went with recommended settings in virtualbox for ubuntu. I gave 768 MB memory. and 1 CPU(well it's blocked out anyway, I am unable to give more). So Ubuntu is still slow. Even typing commands in it's terminal is slow. – ThisSiteSucks Jan 26 '16 at 06:10
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    I was referring to disk space, ubuntu is slow but is really easy to use it and you can remove features to make it lightweight, change the desktop environment o remove it completely, remove services and when you have more experience compile your own kernel to make it even more lightweight – Simon Puente Jan 26 '16 at 16:34
  • @downvoters(whoever they maybe, I am not addressing any particular person, I am just saying in general) .My account has been banned from asking questions and the stackoverflow has asked me to review my questions. I don't see how this question is wrong by any means. So if there is any improvement, please suggest so, or else please consider upvoting this question, so I get back my ability to ask questions on this site. I like stackoverflow and would like to be part of this community, so I want your help either in terms of suggestions for re-formatting the question or in form of upvotes. Thanks – ThisSiteSucks Mar 16 '16 at 08:16
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    I think that the main problem is that this question is not a real problem and you does not expose any work trying to solve it, I recommend to read the tour again and read `http://www.catb.org/esr/faqs/smart-questions.html` – Simon Puente Mar 16 '16 at 17:08

4 Answers4


You could try: http://puppylinux.org/

It's running even on my old netbook, your PC should be enough to work with it on VirtualBox.

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    Yeah it's working too, but the only thing is that I changed from virtual box to VMware. I have no idea why virtual box had a problem. Thanks – ThisSiteSucks Jan 29 '16 at 23:25

If you want console only, you could try Ubuntu Server. It comes without graphical interface. Or if you want to learn and suffer a bit, you culd try Archlinux:D Alternatively, you could give a shot to Lubuntu. This last one is my recommendation. Lubuntu wiki

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I can see that this question has been answered a long time ago but i would like to suggest Linux Lite as they provide ready-made virtualbox and vmware downloads as well . It's based on Ubuntu LTS and comes with Xfce

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  • "They", as in Linux Lite, do NOT provide Virtualbox images AFAIK. The Virtualbox images come from a 3rd party site (OSboxes.org as per your link). I don't trust this site so am doing a plain install. – SaeX Feb 12 '21 at 10:20

I remember trying to find lightweight VirtualBox images or create them by uninstalling things and customising an image to work with fewer resources, but then I discovered...

Vagrant. I'm afraid it's another thing to install on the host machine, but I think it's pretty small alongside VirtualBox. Vagrant essentially gives a file driven and command line driven interface into VirtualBox, but in some ways the most useful thing are the "boxes". There's vagrant boxes for various OSs e.g. versions of ubuntu. They're essentially just images, but specially customised to run in a virtualised minimal command-line only way.

Harry Wood
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