I am a beginner, and I have a project in which I need to pass data back from a childviewcontroller. Specifically, I have a picker view in my container and I want to be able to use it to select an option (say to simplify just a color to chose from an array of ten colours). Then I would like to be able to access the chosen color in my parent view controller and do something with it. I have researched this for a couple of days now and the closest answer to what I am looking for I found in a related question on S.O. Here it is:

"Regarding passing value to the containerView controller, you can make a property in the ChildViewController of the value you want it to be passed. Then in your ParentViewController do something like the following:

self.ChildViewController.yourProperty = yourValue

The opposite can be done in 4 ways:

You can make a delegate protocol to communicate the data between your controllers.

You can post a notification in your ChildViewController and add the parent controller as an observer.

You can use KVO.

And the easiest way out, you can make a property in your parentviewController and access it like the following:"

((YourParentViewControllerClassType *)self.parentViewController).yourParentProperty = TheValueYouWant;

Now, I would like to try the fourth option first as delegation, kvo and so on are options I have read about but not ready to tackle yet. What I would need help with is the last option.

Say I had a property in my child view controller where I store the chosen color. Something like:

@interface ViewController ()

@property NSString *ChosenColorInChildVC;


And then, later on:

self.ChosenColorInChildVC = [self pickerView:myPickerView titleForRow:[myPickerView selectedRowInComponent:1] forComponent:1]];

how would I pass that value using the proposed:

((YourParentViewControllerClassType *)self.parentViewController).yourParentProperty = TheValueYouWant;

Can someone dumb it down a little further for me? Thanks

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3 Answers3


I'm going to explain you with an example how delegation works.

Edit your ChildViewController.h like this:

@protocol ChildViewControllerDelegate; 

@interface ChildViewController : UIViewController

@property (weak)id <ChildViewControllerDelegate> delegate;


@protocol ChildViewControllerDelegate <NSObject > 

- (void) passValue:(UIColor *) theValue;


On your ChildViewController.m when you want to pass something back to the ParentViewController , do like this:

 - (void) myMethod
   [delegate passValue:[UIColor redColor]]; // you pass the value here

On your ParentViewController.h

#import "ChildViewController.h"

@interface ParentViewController : UIViewController <ChildViewControllerDelegate >  // you adopt the protocol

On your ParentViewController.m:

- (void) passValue:(UIColor *) theValue
      //here you receive the color passed from ChildViewController

Now be careful. Everything will work only if you set the delegate. So when you declare ChildViewController inside your ParentViewController class, do like this:

ChildViewController * controller = [[ChildViewController alloc]initWithiNibName:@"ChildViewController"];
controller.delegate = self; //without this line the code won't work!
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  • Hi metronic. Thanks for this, it's been a huge help. I have done everything you said and (I think) understood the logic behind most of it. Except for the last bit you wrote: "On your ParentViewController.m: -(void) passValue:(UIColor *) theValue { //here you receive the color passed from ChildViewController}" I understand more or less the idea behind it, but how does it actually work in practice. Say I have chosen red in my container. how would I access it in my parent by using this method? something like: UIColor *myReceivedColor = [self passValue:???]; – Paul Jan 24 '16 at 12:54
  • No, you'll receive the data inside the method - (void) passValue:(UIColor *) theValue; Put a breakpoint in that method to be sure that it's working, you can access it like this: UIColor *myReceivedColor = theValue; – metronic Jan 24 '16 at 13:02
  • OK. Sorry about this. I am not familiar at all with the concept of "receiving values" inside a method. So, to make sure I understand you. Do I need to write anything inside the method -(void) passValue:(UIColor *) theValue{} in my Parent? And if I want to access the color in my parent... I've tried to write litteraly UIColor *myReceivedColor = theValue; and it comes back with "used of undeclared identifier: "theValue". I have also tried UIColor *myReceivedValue = [self passValue:theValue]; – Paul Jan 24 '16 at 13:16
  • I have also tried this [self passValue:[self.controller.colors objectAtIndex:[self.controller.myPickerView selectedRowInComponent:0]]]; – Paul Jan 24 '16 at 13:37
  • I think I know why it's not working. Your line: ChildViewController * controller = [[ChildViewController alloc]initWithiNibName:@"ChildViewController"]; prompts an error: no visible @interface for "ChildViewController" declares the selector "initWithNibName' – Paul Jan 24 '16 at 21:32

@metronic is right; use delegation.

Also typically you will include the sender in your delegate methods:

-(void) childViewController:(ChildViewController*)viewController passValue:(UIColor*) theValue 
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Noted: this is very important.

Write protocol declaration code above the #import lines e.g.

@protocol -----


import ----

@interface classname ---

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