Is it possible to add parameters to your php $_POST data through javascript before submitting the form without making individual hidden input tags?

I have a page that uses ajax (non-jQuery) which parses the innerText of <td> elements and sends them to a php page for processing.

I'm now going to make a .csv file from that data (via the php page) and I can no longer do that via ajax. Therefore, I have to submit the whole form and leave the page. When doing this, I don't know how to add parameters to the $_POST data like I did with ajax. When the form is submitted, it only processes the input tags and I can't add my custom data like I did with the ajax call.


EDIT: Ajax code as requested by Matthew

function generateReport(saveReport)
    var params = [];

    if(saveReport !== undefined)
        params.push("reportName=" + document.myForm.reportName.value);

    if (xmlHttp==null)
      alert ("Browser does not support HTTP Request");

    var cols = document.myForm.colsUsedSel;

    if(cols.options.length == 0)
        alert("Please choose columns to view in the report.");

    //Loop through display columns
    for(var i = 0; i < cols.options.length; i++)
        params.push("displayCols[]=" + cols.options[i].value);

    //Loop through <tr>'s of "where clause" table
    var trList = document.getElementById("clauseTable").childNodes;

    for(var x = 0; x < trList.length; x++)
        var tdList = trList[x].childNodes;

        for(var y = 0; y < tdList.length; y++)
            var tdType = tdList[y].getAttribute("class");

            //Check if there is a class for this <td>
                params.push(tdType + "=" + encodeURIComponent(tdList[y].innerText));            

    //Loop through <tr>'s of "order by" table
    var trList = document.getElementById("orderByTable").childNodes;

    for(var x = 0; x < trList.length; x++)
        var tdList = trList[x].childNodes;

        for(var y = 0; y < tdList.length; y++)
            var tdType = tdList[y].getAttribute("class");

            //Check if there is a class for this <td>
                params.push(tdType + "=" + encodeURIComponent(tdList[y].innerText));            


    xmlHttp.onreadystatechange= stateChangedGenerate;
    xmlHttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
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    You can submit a form w/o leaving a page. Set the `action=''` and attack an `onSubmit` handler. Inside the `onSubmit(event)` handler, calling `event.preventDefault` will stop the page from reloading. – Matthew Herbst Jan 23 '16 at 03:56
  • Thanks Matthew, but my issue is more with getting the data to the other page. I have to do a full submit because I'm returning non-text headers and from what I've read, ajax won't make the file pop up. `header('Content-Type: application/csv'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'";');` – mang Jan 23 '16 at 04:04
  • Can you show us your ajax implementation code? – Matthew Herbst Jan 23 '16 at 04:07
  • Edited my original post – mang Jan 23 '16 at 04:15
  • Check out http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9713058/sending-post-data-with-a-xmlhttprequest – Matthew Herbst Jan 23 '16 at 04:25
  • I need to submit the form though. When I try to do it with my ajax call, it just returns a comma list of my data instead of a csv file (with "Save As" prompt). See example here of what I'm trying to do on php side: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/217424/create-a-csv-file-for-a-user-in-php – mang Jan 23 '16 at 04:34

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