I try to call a method using reflection. My object :

public class CurrentSearch
    public string currentUniverse { get; set; }
    public string currentApplication;
    public string currentUsage;

My code :

CurrentSearch cS = SessionUtils.getCS();
cS.currentUniverse = "lol";         
string methodName = "currentUniverse" ;
var test = typeof(CurrentSearch).GetMethod(methodName).Invoke(cS, null);

But i get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." on the last line. I've checked cS, it's not null... What's wrong? Thx

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1 Answers1


currentUniverse is a property, so you need to use GetProperty, not GetMethod.

void Main()
    CurrentSearch cs = new CurrentSearch();
    cs.currentUniverse = "lol";         
    string methodName = "currentUniverse" ;

public class CurrentSearch
    public string currentUniverse { get; set; }
    public string currentApplication;
    public string currentUsage;
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