While making changes in Horde's mime_drivers.php file to allow inline HTML in emails, I noticed a setting that allows MS Word documents to be opened in an appropriate program:

/* MS Word display.
 * This driver requires AbiWord to be installed.
 * AbiWord homepage: http://www.abisource.com/ */
'msword' => array(
    // Disabled by default
    'disable' => true,
    'handles' => array(
    'icons' => array(
        'default' => 'msword.png'

    // REQUIRED: Location of the AbiWord binary
    'location' => '/usr/bin/abiword'

In our previous email program, our text documents, including MSWord, could be previewed within the browser without downloading. There was a thread in Horde's mailing list regarding a similar setup, but the asker had a higher technical knowledge than me and seems to already have most of the pieces in place.

I'm a webmaster that only recently had to delve beyond cPanel and discover there's a whole new world keeping this website up and running! My best guess is that I need to find a program that can run on the server and convert .docx/other files to something presentable in HTML (the "abiword" referenced above, maybe?) and make the correct reference to said program in the mime_drivers.php file.

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  • Abiword is an open-source word processor, sort of like LibreOffice Writer. – tripleee Jan 12 '16 at 08:01
  • Yes, I read up on it. There is a command line interface for it as well, apparently for converting documents. – CII Jan 12 '16 at 15:49

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