I have one commit on my Staging branch I'd like to push over to my master branch. I am using the Github app for Mac and I don't see a way to do this.

I know how to do this in Terminal.

Learning how to cherry-pick in the Github app would be nice as I enjoy using it too.

Any suggestions?

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    Do it from the terminal - the GUI app is great for easy stuff. Anything more complex than basic commit/push/pull/merge not so much. – max Dec 28 '15 at 02:00
  • Removed irrelevant tags. – max Dec 28 '15 at 02:01
  • @max I agree with you but maybe we can find information for how to do this from GitHub desktop. This is the actual question. – Tim Biegeleisen Dec 28 '15 at 02:02
  • [This documentation](https://help.github.com/desktop/guides/contributing/) mentions basic Git operations, but does not mention cherry pick. – Tim Biegeleisen Dec 28 '15 at 02:05
  • Thanks for the suggestions guys. I contacted Github Support so I'll post an update when I hear back. – szier Dec 29 '15 at 03:25
  • Ok. Github returned my message. Here it is: "Cherry Picking is not currently available for the Desktop version of Github. However, it is on a list of features we intend to implement so expect it soon!" – szier Jan 16 '16 at 00:23

2 Answers2


If you want a GUI app to do more advanced commands like cherry-pick, i suggest a free alternative to the official Github app: Sourcetree (preview).

It could take months/years before the official Github app supports advanced commands. (I emailed them about another feature several months ago, and it has yet to be implemented)

Roy Wang
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  • Just started using Sourcetree and I love it! I'm not sure if I should mark this as the answer or not but thanks for the recommendation. Great alternative! – szier Jan 31 '16 at 18:56
  • Thanks also for the recommend. I also had to do cherry-pick via GUI and SourceTree is just right. – Matt Sephton Jan 17 '17 at 18:54

Learning how to cherry-pick in the Github app would be nice as I enjoy using it too.

Any suggestions?

A 2021 suggestion: update GitHub Desktop, as it does now (March 2021, 5 years later) have cherry-picking!

GitHub Desktop now supports cherry-picking (GitHub Desktop 2.7)

Cherry-picking is a handy feature for when you would like to copy commits from one branch to another.
What more intuitive way to copy a commit than by simply picking it up, dragging it to your branch, and dropping it there!

For example, you start working on a new feature, and several commits into development you identify an existing bug in the underlying architecture.
You create a couple of commits to fix that bug.
Then, you decide that the fix needs to go into production and can’t wait until this feature is finished.
No problem! Just create a release branch and use GitHub Desktop to cherry-pick those commits to your new branch for the hotfix.

Drag and dropping commits

Want to cherry-pick a single commit? Just start dragging it.

What about multiple commits? Shift+click the range you would like to copy, and drag away.

Cherry-picking features -- https://github.blog/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/multiple-commits.gif

There are several goodies that come with cherry-picking:

Undo: You cherry-picked a group of commits and immediately realized that you cherry-picked one too many.
That’s not a problem. Just click undo in the success banner to remove those commits, and it puts you back on the branch you started from.

  • Conflict resolution: Not all cherry-picks are this easy, and conflicts may arise. The same conflict resolution dialog you’re familiar with from merging and rebasing is available for taking care of merge conflicts.
  • Context menu: Not a fan of drag and drop? Just right click on a commit or set of commits, and select the cherry-pick option to open a branch dialog to select your target branch.

As usual with cherry-picking, beware of:

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