I am creating a Online Dictionary only a Static Page with a few PHP JS codes nothing more, I know maybe that is possible or easier with a CMS, but I try to do it as Static Page.

I already create the home with the search form and the DB connection thats fine and everything works. Now I need an advice how to realize the following stuffs ( no code nothing only an idea and advice):

What I have:

I have a home page with form and DB connection and

I have admin page where I can enter a word or sentence which sends it to the db my DB look like:

| id | Language A   | Language B    |  Url       |
| 1  |              |               |            |
| 2  |              |               |            |

I can add Language A and B

What I would like to get:

But URL in DB should be generate automaticly so if there is a ü ä ö etc in a word. if it is a sentence it should concatenate the words like hallo+world

Every word should have his own page so if you search for "hallo" you will forward to a new page with that url https://example.com/s/hallo

I you search for sentence it should look like https://example.com/s/hallo+world

I simple could say that it should be like the wordpress posts

But would be the best way (note I hate it to get a url like example.com/s?a=blabala)

Wlad Omir
  • 19
  • 3
  • It sounds like you are asking how to do the rewrites so the user can load `https://example.com/s/hallo` and the server populates `$_GET['a']`? Is that right? If so look at `pretty urls`. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20563772/reference-mod-rewrite-url-rewriting-and-pretty-links-explained – chris85 Dec 27 '15 at 21:13
  • @chris85 thank you for your reply I know it is possible with htaccess to get url pretty, but how it is possible to save it so that every search value have is own page like a wordpress post page – Wlad Omir Dec 28 '15 at 13:14
  • Every page doesn't have it's own page per say. You'll have a global loader, so whatever `/s` loaded before still loads but just search the GET parameter. It will look like pages to users/bots but is actually just one page. – chris85 Dec 28 '15 at 15:10

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