I was surprised to see that R will coerce factors into a number when concatenating vectors. This happens even when the levels are the same. For example:

> facs <- as.factor(c("i", "want", "to", "be", "a", "factor", "not", "an", "integer"))
> facs
[1] i       want    to      be      a       factor  not     an      integer
Levels: a an be factor i integer not to want
> c(facs[1 : 3], facs[4 : 5])
[1] 5 9 8 3 1

what is the idiomatic way to do this in R (in my case these vectors can be pretty large)? Thank you.

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8 Answers8


From the R Mailing list:

unlist(list(facs[1 : 3], facs[4 : 5]))

To 'cbind' factors, do

data.frame(facs[1 : 3], facs[4 : 5])
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An alternate workaround is to convert the factor to be a character vector, then convert back when you are finshed concatenating.

cfacs <- as.character(facs)
x <- c(cfacs[1:3], cfacs[4:5]) 

# Now choose between
# and
factor(x, levels = levels(facs))
Richie Cotton
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Use fct_c from the forcats package (part of the tidyverse).

> library(forcats)
> facs <- as.factor(c("i", "want", "to", "be", "a", "factor", "not", "an", "integer"))
> fct_c(facs[1:3], facs[4:5])
[1] i    want to   be   a
Levels: a an be factor i integer not to want

fct_c isn't fooled by concatenations of factors with discrepant numerical codings:

> x <- as.factor(c('c', 'z'))
> x
[1] c z
Levels: c z
> y <- as.factor(c('a', 'b', 'z'))
> y
[1] a b z
Levels: a b z
> c(x, y)
[1] 1 2 1 2 3
> fct_c(x, y)
[1] c z a b z
Levels: c z a b
> as.numeric(fct_c(x, y))
[1] 1 2 3 4 2
Connor Harris
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Wow, I never realized it did that. Here is a work-around:

x <- c(facs[1 : 3], facs[4 : 5]) 
x <- factor(x, levels=1:nlevels(facs), labels=levels(facs))

With the output:

[1] i    want to   be   a   
Levels: a an be factor i integer not to want

It will only work if the two vectors have the same levels as here.

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  • Great thanks! I've just figured out that unlist(list(facs[1 : 3], facs[4 : 5])) also works which is nice if you don't know ahead of time that facs is a factor type. – Keith Aug 09 '10 at 20:18
  • Setting levels manually in this way didn't work for my particular problem. (I have 0-based levels. I could have subtracted 1 and then reconstructed the factor, but, that is brittle and on the lesser end of the scrutabality spectrum, even for R.) Instead (hooray?) I went with `unlist(list(...))`. – David J. Apr 01 '13 at 04:50

This is a really bad R gotcha. Along those lines, here's one that just swallowed several hours of my time.

x <- factor(c("Yes","Yes","No", "No", "Yes", "No"))
y <- c("Yes", x)

> y
[1] "Yes" "2"   "2"   "1"   "1"   "2"   "1"  
> is.factor(y)

It appears to me the better fix is Richie's, which coerces to character.

> y <- c("Yes", as.character(x))
> y
[1] "Yes" "Yes" "Yes" "No"  "No"  "Yes" "No" 
> y <- as.factor(y)
> y
[1] Yes Yes Yes No  No  Yes No 
Levels: No Yes

As long as you get the levels set properly, as Richie mentions.


Based on the other answers which use converting to character I'm using the following function to concatenate factors:

concat.factor <- function(...){
  as.factor(do.call(c, lapply(list(...), as.character)))

You can use this function just as you would use c.

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For this reason I prefer to work with factors inside data.frames:

df <- data.frame(facs = as.factor(
      c("i", "want", "to", "be", "a", "factor", "not", "an", "integer") ))

and subset it using subset() or dplyr::filter() etc. rather than row indexes. Because I don't have meaningful subset criteria in this case, I will just use head() and tail():

df1 <- head(df, 4)
df2 <- tail(df, 2)

Then you can manipulate them quite easily, e.g.:

dfc <- rbind(df1, df2)
#[1] i       want    to      be      an      integer
#Levels: a an be factor i integer not to want
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Here's another way to add to a factor variable when the setup is slightly different:

facs <- factor(1:3, levels=1:9,
               labels=c("i", "want", "to", "be", "a", "factor", "not", "an", "integer"))
# [1] i       want    to      be      a       factor  not     an      integer
# Levels: a an be factor i integer not to want
facs[4:6] <- levels(facs)[4:6]
# [1] i      want   to     be     a      factor
# Levels: i want to be a factor not an integer
gung - Reinstate Monica
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