I'd like to keep data when we delete

instead of soft-delete (which uses is_deleted field), I'd like to move the data to another table (for deleted rows)


I don't know what is the name of the strategy either. called archiving? two-table delete?

To make this work,

I need to be able to do

  1. for a given object(which will be deleted), find all other objects that has foreign key or one-to-one key to the object. (this can be done via https://stackoverflow.com/a/2315053/433570, actually harder than that, that code isn't sufficient)

  2. insert a new object and have all the objects found in #1 to point to this new object

  3. delete the object

(essentiall I'm doing cascading move instead of cascading delete, 1~3 step should be done in recursive fashion)

It would be most convenient to make a mixin for this that supports delete() and undelete() for a object and for a queryset.

Has anyone created one like this?

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2 Answers2


I implemented this myself and I'm sharing my findings.


First archiving is rather easy since I relaxed foreignkey constraints on archive tables.

You can't keep all constraints in the archive world as you would have in the live world, because what your to-be-deleted object is refering to won't be in the archive world. (because it won't be deleted)

This can be done via mixin (systematically)

Basically, you create archive objects with cascade then delete the original.


On the other hand, unarchiving is harder, because you need to confirm to the foreign key constraints.
This can't be done systematically.

It's the same reason why serializers such as Django rest framework won't create related objects magically. You have to know the object graph and constraints.

So that's why there's no library or mixin out there to support this.

Anyway, I'm sharing my mixin code below.

 class DeleteModelQuerySet(object):
     take a look at django.db.models.deletion

     def hard_delete(self):

     def delete(self):
         if not self.is_archivable():

         archive_object_ids = []
         seen = []

         collector = NestedObjects(using='default')  # or specific database

         with transaction.atomic():

             for model, instances in six.iteritems(collector.data):

                 if model in self.model.exclude_models_from_archive():

                 assert hasattr(model, "is_archivable"), {
                     "model {} doesn't know about archive".format(model)

                 if not model.is_archivable():
                     # just delete

                 for instance in instances:

                     if instance in seen:

                     for ptr in six.itervalues(instance._meta.parents):
                         # add parents to seen
                         if ptr:
                             seen.append(getattr(instance, ptr.name))

                     archive_object = model.create_archive_object(instance)

             # real delete

         archive_objects = self.model.get_archive_model().objects.filter(id__in=archive_object_ids)
         return archive_objects

     def undelete(self):

         with transaction.atomic():


     def is_archivable(self):
         # if false, we hard delete instead of archive
         return self.model.is_archivable()

     def unarchive(self):

         for obj_archive in self:

 class DeleteModelMixin(models.Model):

     def is_archivable(cls):
         # override if you don't want to archive and just delete
         return True

     def get_deletable_objects(self):
         collector = NestedObjects(using='default')  # or specific database
         deletable_data = collector.data

         return deletable_data

     def create_archive_object(cls, obj):
         # http://stackoverflow.com/q/21925671/433570
         # d = cls.objects.filter(id=obj.id).values()[0]

         d = obj.__dict__.copy()
         remove_fields = []
         for field_name, value in six.iteritems(d):
             except FieldDoesNotExist:
         for remove_field in remove_fields:


         # print(d)

         archive_object = cls.get_archive_model().objects.create(**d)
         return archive_object

     def create_live_object(cls, obj):

         # index error, dont know why..
         # d = cls.objects.filter(id=obj.id).values()[0]

         d = obj.__dict__.copy()

         remove_fields = [cls.convert_to_archive_field_name(field_name) + '_id' for field_name in cls.get_twostep_field_names()]
         for field_name, value in six.iteritems(d):
             except FieldDoesNotExist:

         for remove_field in remove_fields:


         live_object = cls.get_live_model().objects.create(**d)
         return live_object

     def get_archive_model_name(cls):
         return '{}Archive'.format(cls._meta.model_name)

     def get_live_model_name(cls):

         if cls._meta.model_name.endswith("archive"):
             length = len("Archive")
             return cls._meta.model_name[:-length]
         return cls._meta.model_name

     def get_archive_model(cls):
         # http://stackoverflow.com/a/26126935/433570
         return apps.get_model(app_label=cls._meta.app_label, model_name=cls.get_archive_model_name())

     def get_live_model(cls):
         return apps.get_model(app_label=cls._meta.app_label, model_name=cls.get_live_model_name())

     def is_archive_model(cls):
         if cls._meta.model_name.endswith("Archive"):
             return True
         return False

     def is_live_model(cls):
         if cls.is_archive_model():
             return False
         return True

     def make_referers_point_to_archive(self, archive_object, seen):

         instance = self

         for related in get_candidate_relations_to_delete(instance._meta):
             accessor_name = related.get_accessor_name()

             if accessor_name.endswith('+') or accessor_name.lower().endswith("archive"):

             referers = None

             if related.one_to_one:
                 referer = getattr(instance, accessor_name, None)
                 if referer:
                     referers = type(referer).objects.filter(id=referer.id)
                 referers = getattr(instance, accessor_name).all()

             refering_field_name = '{}_archive'.format(related.field.name)

             if referers:
                 assert hasattr(referers, 'is_archivable'), {
                     "referers is not archivable: {referer_cls}".format(

                 archive_referers = referers.delete(seen=seen)
                 if referers.is_archivable():
                     archive_referers.update(**{refering_field_name: archive_object})

     def hard_delete(self):

     def delete(self, *args, **kwargs):

     def undelete(self, commit=True):

     def unarchive(self, commit=True):

     def get_archive_field_names(cls):
         raise NotImplementedError('get_archive_field_names() must be implemented')

     def convert_to_archive_dictionary(cls, d):

         field_names = cls.get_archive_field_names()
         for field_name in field_names:
             field_name = '{}_id'.format(field_name)
             archive_field_name = cls.convert_to_archive_field_name(field_name)
             d[archive_field_name] = d.pop(field_name)

     def convert_to_live_dictionary(cls, d):

         field_names = list(set(cls.get_archive_field_names()) - set(cls.get_twostep_field_names()))

         for field_name in field_names:
             field_name = '{}_id'.format(field_name)
             archive_field_name = cls.convert_to_archive_field_name(field_name)
             d[field_name] = d.pop(archive_field_name)

     def convert_to_archive_field_name(cls, field_name):
         if field_name.endswith('_id'):
             length = len('_id')
             return '{}_archive_id'.format(field_name[:-length])
         return '{}_archive'.format(field_name)

     def convert_to_live_field_name(cls, field_name):
         if field_name.endswith('_archive_id'):
             length = len('_archive_id')
             return '{}_id'.format(field_name[:-length])
         if field_name.endswith('archive'):
             length = len('_archive')
             return '{}'.format(field_name[:-length])
         return None

     def get_twostep_field_names(cls):
         return []

     def exclude_models_from_archive(cls):
         # excluded model can be deleted if referencing to me
         # or just lives if I reference him
         return []

     class Meta:
         abstract = True
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  • I made a Gist of this code and added the missing imports: https://gist.github.com/adamlwgriffiths/4fb6a47bb84ec6e34424 – Rebs Feb 06 '16 at 03:34

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Check here for more details and configuration

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  • I meant `soft-delete` to mean a methodology of using `is_delete`. I edited the op. Sorry for the confusion. – eugene Dec 20 '15 at 23:33
  • I looked at django-reversion, I don't think it supports `delete-undelete` – eugene Dec 23 '15 at 05:26
  • These appear to all use a `deleted_on` field, rather than moving models to a different table. – Rebs Feb 06 '16 at 03:36