I dont understand what I am missing

I dont get result on html i think this problem managing with controllerAs syntax

note: I can see the result in console console.log(this.movie); - its from controller


var app = angular.module('mfApp',['ngRoute', 'appControllers']);

            templateUrl: 'template/detail.html',
            controller : 'detailCtrl' ,
            controllerAs: 'movieAs'
         redirectTo: '/'


var mfControllers = angular.module('appControllers', []);

mfControllers.controller('detailCtrl', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'appServices',  function($scope, $routeParams, appServices){
    this.movie = [];
    this.id = $routeParams.detail;
        this.movie = response;
        // Yes, I do get array result in console


html - template/detail.html

My try

{{movie.Title}} {{title}}
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    var vm = this; vm.movie= [] this inside homeSearch is not the same of controller contest – Whisher Dec 15 '15 at 13:01
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    `movieAs.movie` would work if you would change _this.movie_ instead reassign it here _this.movie = response;_ – Grundy Dec 15 '15 at 13:02
  • Understood , May i ask why 'this' moving to variable - variable is a just name – ShibinRagh Dec 15 '15 at 13:06
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    Possible duplicate of [What underlies this JavaScript idiom: var self = this?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/962033/what-underlies-this-javascript-idiom-var-self-this) – sp00m Dec 15 '15 at 13:07
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    Possible duplicate of [What does "this" mean?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4195970/what-does-this-mean) – Grundy Dec 15 '15 at 13:08

2 Answers2

mfControllers.controller('detailCtrl', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'appServices',  function($scope, $routeParams, appServices){
    var me = this;
    me.movie = [];
    me.id = $routeParams.detail;
        me.movie = response;
        // Yes, I do get array result in console


In Javascript functions are stored as objects, so from your callbeck method inside succeess, you call this which refers to the method that you are running and not to the controller scope.

It is best practice to store the reference to the controller in a variable which can be accessed by the callback methods. me is quite an arbitrary name but widely used to refer as the parent caller. https://github.com/johnpapa/angular-styleguide

Simone Zandara
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The problem is due to wrong this reference.

var mfControllers = angular.module('appControllers', []);

  .controller('detailCtrl', ['$scope', '$routeParams', 'appServices', function($scope, $routeParams, appServices) {
    var vm = this;

    vm.movie = [];
    vm.id = $routeParams.detail;
      .success(function(response) {
        // vm !== this; here
        vm.movie = response;

A good practice when using controllerAs syntax is to assign this to vm at the very beginning of a controller. It holds the reference of the controller correctly.

That is necessary because of javascript function scoping. It will be long to explain it here, but the gist of it is that function creates a new scope, this inside a function will be different. Todd Mott has a very great write up on this.

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  • one more question please - Is it good way that we are changing 'var vm = this' each controller at the top of the 'controller script' – ShibinRagh Dec 15 '15 at 13:21
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    @ShibinRagh yes. It serves two purposes: 1) it solves the `this` problem, 2) it is very clear that `vm` refers to the controller. By the way, `vm` means "View Model", which is what controllers really meant to be – PSWai Dec 15 '15 at 13:48