Hey I have been trying to create a ' first extension' for quite a few hours following tutorials and blogs but the problem ive run across is trying to implement Javascript , Ive used a combination of JS and HTML to make webpages and Java for some basic programs but whenever I attempt to make a simple alert tag with the simple hello world text nothing happens , ive played around with it a bit and found out I cannot use inline jS so I looked at This post and attempted to imitate the code presented here and got this :


"manifest_version" : 2 ,
"name" : " Test" , 
"version" : "1.0",
"description" : " A basic test extension" , 

"icons" : {
"128" : "icon_128.png"
} , 

"background" : {

"scripts" : ["java.js"]


"browser_action": {
"default_icon" : "icon_128.png" ,
"default_title" : "Testing" ,
"default_popup" : "popup.html" 


"permissions": [





     <!--   <script src='java.js'>
      </script> -->

this went on manifest page

"content_scripts": [
      "matches": ["https://*/*"],     
      "js": ["java.js"]



    <h2 ><b>WELCOME</b></h2>
<input id="clock" class="clock" value="click" type="button">    

     <p id="p">




/*function hello(e){
alert("Hello World");

var ClickBtn = document.querySelector('.click');
ClickBtn.addEventListener('click' , hello); 


function hello(e){


document.getElementsById("clock").addEventListener("click", hello)

function hello(e){
    var work = "It is working";



and it's still not working , can anyone help me?

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  • put the script after the element you want to attach the event to, or use DOMContentLoaded as shown here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13591983/onclick-within-chrome-extension-not-working – rsanchez Dec 12 '15 at 21:24
  • Have you read the documentation of [`chrome.browserAction.onClicked`](https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/browserAction#event-onClicked)? "This event will not fire if the browser action has a popup." – Rob W Dec 13 '15 at 09:48

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