
I'm trying to obfuscate my java code with ProGuard (5.2.1).
I'm using LWJGL in my project.

So i execute proguardgui.jar and when the window is open, i do :
- Click on "Input / Output."
- CLick on "Add input" (choose my jar file etc...)
- CLick on "Add output" (type "PWdd.jar" etc...)
- Click on "Next" (5 times)
- Click on "Process!"

That's the answer of the program :
http://whiteplay.fr/help.html (I had to make an html page because StackOverflow have a limit of lines in each questions :/)

Do you know what have i to do ?
PS : The program (The input jar file) is working before the obfuscation.

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  • http://crunchify.com/how-to-convert-existing-java-project-to-maven-in-eclipse/ and https://maven.apache.org/guides/getting-started/maven-in-five-minutes.html – specializt Dec 10 '15 at 12:42
  • Thanks @specializt, I instaled maven and convert my eclipse project. But when i'm trying to add LWJGL'jar with this method : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4955635/how-to-add-local-jar-files-in-maven-project, it dont works. Can you help me ? (Maybe we should find another place to chat). – John Dec 10 '15 at 14:04
  • @John sorry to confuse you, that was not an answer just hint for pasting big chunks of logs etc.. you dont have to create web pages for that :) just use pastebin site – nayana Dec 10 '15 at 15:09
  • Ah ok @otopolsky, i just doesn't understant :D – John Dec 10 '15 at 15:53

2 Answers2


Ok, because i used eclipse, when i exported my jar file, i choosed to include jar lib to my jar projetc. If you choose to put them into a folder neer the project jar it's working :D

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Super late, but I did have the same issue today and figured it out

  1. Export jar with separate folder for libraries (call it jar1.jar for example)

  2. Obfuscate jar1.jar to jar1_obf.jar

  3. Export again with libraries extracted in jar file (jar2.jar)

  4. rename jar1_obf.jar to jar_obf.zip

  5. rename jar2.jar to zip2.zip

  6. extract zip1.zip to folder1

  7. extract zip2.zip to folder2

  8. copy all files and files not found in folder1 from folder2 to folder1 (do not copy everything and paste, because there is a chance that an unnecessary file is copied into folder1)

  9. now that folder1 has everything, send all the contents (not folder1 itself) of folder1 to final.zip

  10. rename final.zip to final.jar with jar extension, it should work!

  11. Delete any files and folders created in the process (except final.jar of course)

Hopefully, this made sense; it probably got confusing with all the file names.

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