I have a class which reads a file and takes in a user input with a scanner and if the scanner equals a part of a line in that file, it will display a string from the same line.

How would I go and create a Junit test method for this?

Here is some of my code that I want a test method for:

Scanner Input = new Scanner(System.in);
    String name = Input.nextLine();

    BufferedReader br;
       br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filename)));
       String nextLine;
       while ((nextLine = br.readLine()) != null)
           if (nextLine.startsWith("||"))
                int f1 = nextLine.indexOf("*");
                int f2 = nextLine.indexOf("_");
                fName = nextLine.substring(f1+1, f2);
                   if (name.equals(fname))
                        String[] s1 = nextLine.split("_");
                        String sName = s1[1];

my data file looks like this


I have tried to use this code in my test method

public void testgetSurname() {
    System.out.println("get surname");
    String filename = "";
    String expResult = "";
    String result = fileReader.getSurname(filename);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);

    filename = "datafiles/names.txt";
    String data = "Jack";
    InputStream stdin = System.in;
      System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()));
      Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
    } finally {
      expResult = "Davis";
    String result = fileReader.getSurname(filename);
    assertEquals(expResult, result);                
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2 Answers2


try this for example:

You could enhance it by simulate the console automatically (see below)

public void test_scan() throws Exception
Myclass myobject=new myobject(); // with args

myobject.load(filename); // you must definie the filename

String result=myobject.scaninput_and_compare(); // you must use scan in, and compare

if (!result.equals(what_I_am_expecting) throw new Exception("EXCEPTION scaninput_and_compare"); 

// If you arrive here, it's OK

If you want to automatize the console input, use that:

Courtesy of: JUnit: How to simulate System.in testing?

String data = "What_I_could_put_in_console";
InputStream stdin = System.in;
System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()));
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

Beware of catch Exception inside, to finish with a "good" System.in It's ok for a test alone, for several, you should verify.

With your code:

public String scaninput_and_compare(String filename)
Scanner Input = new Scanner(System.in);
String name = Input.nextLine();

BufferedReader br;
   br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filename)));
   String nextLine;
   while ((nextLine = br.readLine()) != null)
       if (nextLine.startsWith("||"))
            int f1 = nextLine.indexOf("*");
            int f2 = nextLine.indexOf("_");
            fName = nextLine.substring(f1+1, f2);
               if (name.equals(fname))
                    String[] s1 = nextLine.split("_");
                    String sName = s1[1];
                    return sName;
return "lose";

public void test_scan() throws Exception
Myclass myobject=new myobject(); // with args

String filename="good_filename";

// MOCK System.in
String data = "Jack";
InputStream stdin = System.in;
System.setIn(new ByteArrayInputStream(data.getBytes()));

String result=myobject.scaninput_and_compare(filename); // you must use scan in, and compare

// RESTABLISH System.in
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);

if (!result.equals("Davis") throw new Exception("EXCEPTION scaninput_and_compare"); 

// If you arrive here, it's OK

BETTER design, and testing more easy: separate your scanner of System.in, from your file parsing. Just do a function with (filename, fname), and it will be direct to test :

assertEquals(myobject.scaninput_and_compare(filename,"Jack"), "Davis");
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One way to do it:

Step 1

Refactor your code, so that Scanner is one of the parameters passed into your method.

Step 2

For your test, use constructor Scanner(File file) or Scanner(String source) to feed "what would the user type" - while in the real world (from your main() you'd create Scanner(System.in)


Refactor your code to get a protected Scanner getScanner() { } and then use a Mocking framework (I like Mockito) to mock that method and return your String-prepped Scanner (see Step 2)

Requested example (the refactoring)

* Reads the next line from the Scanner
protected String getNextLine(Scanner scanner) {
  //You know how to do that.

*  Check if file contains that name and return matching line.
*  Throws NameNotFoundException (you'd need to create) if not found.
*  If it were my code, i'd refactor even more and pass in List<String> 
*  here with the lines from the file
public String matchSurname(String name, File dataFile) throws NameNotFoundException {
   //Iterate over file... 
      if(isMatchingSurname(name, line)) {
        return line;
   // end iteration
   //Still here? Throw Exception!
   throw new NameNotFoundException();

* Checks if given Name matches the read line
public boolean isMatchingSurname(String name, String lineFromFile) {
  //All the checks

Now you've broken your problem down in nice small bites. Unit testing would now be for individual methods only - so one for testing reading a line from Scanner, one for testing the Matching logic and one for correct file iteration.

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  • Hi could you post an example of how I would do with my code? – MarcusFenix1 Dec 07 '15 at 18:21
  • Seconded on refactoring. Is it overkill to refactor so that getSurname() takes a string and only runs the code that does the actual string parsing? – PunDefeated Dec 07 '15 at 18:52
  • @MarcusFenix1 Did you get it to work? When your question is resolved, you should pick the best answer and "accept" it - so others will know, your problem is taken care of. – Jan Dec 09 '15 at 15:42