I am trying to pass ember component "this" context to kendo chart seriesClick event, but getting error this.sendAction is not a function.Below is my code

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Component.extend({

chartConfig: {
            title : "Global Trade Volume",
    categoryAxis: [{
        field: "product",
        labels: {
            color: "black",
            rotation: 325
    series: [{
        field: "value"
    chartArea: {
        width: 500,
        height: 250
     seriesClick : function(e){
     alert('Here we can fetch details form WS and will pass the value:' + e.value);
    // debugger;
     this.sendAction('globalReportChartClickAction', e); // getting error here.


// updateChart () {

// }


I also find sender message in templete like {{fm-global-report-chart chartData= model.globalData globalReportChartClickAction=globalReportChartClick}}

same error getting for this.update function.

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1 Answers1


the problem here is that your "this" refers to the anon function stored in chartConfig.seriesClick. it doesn't refer to chartConfig. A common way around this is to PASS chartConfig as "this" to the function, through an arg, "self". then, within the function, when you refer to "self" you're referring to chartConfig.

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  • Thanks for your reply, but can you provide the sample how can I do that as I am new to Ember. – Kumar Dec 04 '15 at 01:42