I've deployed Test.war file on Openshift and my application test-sliwa.rhcloud.com/Test run OK. When I deploy ROOT.file application test-sliwa.rhcloud.com doesn't run in right way - first page is ok, but when I try to link to other pages I have 404 error.

  • 404 is the file not found error — check to be sure your link addresses are correct. Post your code here so people can see what you've tried, and help you correct it. – ElmerCat Nov 27 '15 at 08:13
  • App cannot run right when as ROOT.war deployed. In other case is ok. But I'd like to use ROOT.war – andzia sliwa Nov 27 '15 at 08:53
  • Here is index.jsp code . It works ok with servlet when as Test.war deployed. When as ROOT.war deployed I cannot link to adresses. – andzia sliwa Nov 28 '15 at 08:06
  • Here is index.jsp code . It works ok with servlet when as Test.war deployed. When as ROOT.war deployed I can't to link to adresses. Insert title here



    – andzia sliwa Nov 28 '15 at 08:15

1 Answers1


The problem was in source code in links declared. It's better to declare domain-relative URL like:

<a href="<%= response.encodeUrl(request.getContextPath() + "/Controller?action=login") %>">

instead of:

<a href="Test/Controller?action=login")">}

in index.jsp file.