I would like to use rethinkdb .changes() feature to push some messages to users. The messages should send without any requests from the users.

I am using rethinkdb with aiohttp and websockets. How it works:

  1. User sends message
  2. Server puts it into rethinkdb
  3. What I need: an additional loop uses rethinkdb .changes function to send updates to connected users

This is how I initiate the application:

def init(loop):
    app = Application(loop=loop)
    app['sockets'] = []
    app['susers'] = []
    app.router.add_route('GET', '/', wshandler)
    handler = app.make_handler()
    srv = yield from loop.create_server(handler, '', 9080)
    print("Server started at")
    return app, srv, handler

In the wshandler I have a loop, which processes incoming messages:

def wshandler(request):
    resp = WebSocketResponse()
    if not resp.can_prepare(request):
        return Response(
            body=bytes(json.dumps({"error_code": 401}), 'utf-8'),
    yield from resp.prepare(request)
    print('Someone connected')
    while True:
        msg = yield from resp.receive()
        if msg.tp == MsgType.text:
            runCommand(msg, resp, request)
    print('Someone disconnected.')
    return resp

How to create a second loop sending messages to the same pool of opened connections? How to make it thread-safe?

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  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26270681/can-an-asyncio-event-loop-run-in-the-background-without-suspending-the-python-in – ndpu Nov 23 '15 at 12:39
  • Thank you. Is it possible to achieve my goal without creating threads? If I use them, a new thread will be created for every connection, but I would like to keep everything light. Rethinkdb's `.changes()` returns generator, so it must be possible to avoid using threads. – anddr Nov 23 '15 at 12:57
  • I am not familiar with Rethinkdb, but in general it should not be necessary to use threads to have concurrent loops in asyncio. Within your While True loop you simply chain additional coroutines (using yield from), or if you need more "parallel" type behaviour, then use async() / ensure_future() and asyncio will then juggle between the two. – songololo Nov 23 '15 at 13:23

1 Answers1


Generally speaking, you should try to avoid threads as much as a possible whenever running an event loop.

Unfortunately rethinkdb does not support asyncio out-of-the-box, but it does support the Tornado & Twisted frameworks. So, you could bridge Tornado & asyncio and make it work without using threads.


As Andrew pointed out rethinkdb does support asyncio. After 2.1.0 you can presumably do:


And then in your web handlers:

res = await rethinkdb.table(tbl).changes().run(connection)
while await res.fetch_next():
Jashandeep Sohi
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