I have an error here and I don't know where it is coming from. I am in a beginner's java class is High School so I don't yet have much experience here. I have 3 programs that incorporate each other. I have a card class that creates a playing card

//  Card.java       Author: Lewis and Loftus
//  Solution to Programming Project 4.5

import java.util.*;

public class Card
   public final static int ACE   = 1;
   public final static int TWO   = 2;
   public final static int THREE = 3;
   public final static int FOUR  = 4;
   public final static int FIVE  = 5;
   public final static int SIX   = 6;
   public final static int SEVEN = 7;
   public final static int EIGHT = 8;
   public final static int NINE  = 9;
   public final static int TEN   = 10;
   public final static int JACK  = 11;
   public final static int QUEEN = 12;
   public final static int KING  = 13;

   public final static int CLUBS    = 1;
   public final static int DIAMONDS = 2;
   public final static int HEARTS   = 3;
   public final static int SPADES   = 4;

   private final static int NUM_FACES = 13;
   private final static int NUM_SUITS = 4;

   private int face, suit;
   private String faceName, suitName;

   private int myInt1, myInt2;

   Random rand = new Random();

   //  Creates a random card.
   public Card ()
      face = rand.nextInt(4) + 1;

      suit = rand.nextInt(13) + 1;

   //  Sets the string representation of the face using its stored
   //  numeric value.
   private void setFaceName()
      switch (face)
         case 1:
            faceName = "Ace";
         case 2:
            faceName = "Two";
         case 3:
            faceName = "Three";
         case 4:
            faceName = "Four";
         case 5:
            faceName = "Five";
         case 6:
            faceName = "Six";
         case 7:
            faceName = "Seven";
         case 8:
            faceName = "Eight";
         case 9:
            faceName = "Nine";
         case 10:
            faceName = "Ten";
         case 11:
            faceName = "Jack";
         case 12:
            faceName = "Queen";
         case 13:
            faceName = "King";

   //  Sets the string representation of the suit using its stored
   //  numeric value.
   private void setSuitName()
      switch (suit)
         case 1:
            suitName = "Clubs";
         case 2:
            suitName = "Diamonds";
         case 3:
            suitName = "Hearts";
         case 4:
            suitName = "Spades";

   //  Determines if this card is higher than the passed card. The
   //  second parameter determines if aces should be considered high
   //  (beats a King) or low (lowest of all faces).  Uses the suit
   //  if both cards have the same face.
   public boolean isHigherThan (Card card2, boolean aceHigh)
      boolean result = false;

      if (face == card2.getFace())
         if (suit > card2.getSuit())
            result = true;
         if (aceHigh && face == ACE)
            result = true;
            if (face > card2.getFace())
               result = true;

      return result;

   //  Determines if this card is higher than the passed card,
   //  assuming that aces should be considered high.
   public boolean isHigherThan (Card card2)
      return isHigherThan (card2, true);

   //  Returns the face (numeric value) of this card.
   public int getFace ()
      return face;

   //  Returns the suit (numeric value) of this card.
   public int getSuit ()
      return suit;

   //  Returns the face (string value) of this card.
   public String getFaceName ()
      return faceName;

   //  Returns the suit (string value) of this card.
   public String getSuitName ()
      return suitName;

   //  Returns the string representation of this card, including
   //  both face and suit.

   public String toString ()
      return faceName + " of " + suitName;

I have a Deck Of cards file that creates 52 cards

import java.util.*;

public class DeckOfCards 

    private Card deckOfCards[];
    private int currentCardUsed;
    private final int NumberOfCards = 52;

    private int nextCard;

    private Random rand;

    String myString = "All Cards have been dealt.";

    public DeckOfCards()
        deckOfCards = new Card[NumberOfCards];
        currentCardUsed = 0;

        Random rand = new Random();

        for(int index = 0; index < deckOfCards.length; index ++)
            deckOfCards[index] = new Card();

    public void shuffleCards()
            currentCardUsed = 0;

            for(int newCard = 0; newCard < deckOfCards.length; newCard ++)
                int nextCard = rand.nextInt(NumberOfCards);

                Card temporaryDeck = deckOfCards[newCard];
                deckOfCards[newCard] = deckOfCards[nextCard];
                deckOfCards[nextCard] = temporaryDeck;

    public Card dealCard()
        if(currentCardUsed < deckOfCards.length)
            return deckOfCards[currentCardUsed ++];
            return null;

And finally I have a driver class

public class DeckTester 
    public static void main(String [] args)
        DeckOfCards deck = new DeckOfCards();





None of them have errors. But when I run the driver I get this for the output

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at DeckOfCards.shuffleCards(DeckOfCards.java:39)
    at DeckTester.main(DeckTester.java:8)

I have tried changing the Null in the deal Method to no avail.

Vedant Kekan
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    Possible duplicate of [What is a Null Pointer Exception, and how do I fix it?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/218384/what-is-a-null-pointer-exception-and-how-do-i-fix-it) – ΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツ Nov 30 '15 at 21:30

2 Answers2


It looks like you are declaring a local Random object in your constructor.

Try changing line 25 to be:

 rand = new Random();
Matthew Spencer
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The line Random rand = new Random(); in your constructor creates a local object rand whose scope is limited to constructor only. You have two options to fix this issue :-

1) Change line in your constructor to

Random rand = new Random();   --->  this.rand = new Random()

2) Initialize your instance object at the time of declaration only. Change line

private Random rand;   ---> private Random rand = new Random();
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