When I try to run my project with my favorite simulators (iPhone 5s/8.4 and iPhone 5s/9.1) I get this error, and in syslog I see:

kernel[0]: AMFI: Simulator(pid 6881) - [deny-mmap] mapped file has no team identifier and is not a platform binary: /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 7.1.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/usr/lib/system/host/liblaunch_sim.dylib

This started happening after I had built and run an xcodeproject downloaded from github. My main project had been working fine and when I switched back to it, I started getting this error.

Other simulators, such as iPhone 6/9.1, work OK.

Previously, when switching back and forth between my own project and examples projects from the internet, I have seen xcode pop up a provisioning error alert, offering to fix the problem, and when I click "Fix" I am able to continue with no issue. I'm an xcode newbie and all this is quite mystifying.

I have tried to "Reset Content and Settings" of the offending simulator, Quit the Simulator, quit xcode, and rebooted. I've checked my Provisioning Profiles in Preferences > Accounts and they look fine as far as I can tell. Using the SimDir app I found the device directory for the simulator and dragged it to the trash. After that, the simulator worked for a little while then broke again.

I found this apple article but frankly I couldn't understand it (and I'm not running Swift. This is a react-native app.)

Oh one more thing. It's weird that the syslog message mentions iOS 7.1.simruntime when I'm using the 8.4 or 9.1 simulator. The project's deployment target is 7.0 but ???.

By the way I also tried cleaning my build folder (CMD-K) and anything else relevant in this SO question and this one.

UPDATE: Like a virus, the working simulator is now getting infected. The iPhone 6/9.1 simulator worked well for a while, but now keeps getting this error (which can be 'fixed' temporarily by Reset Content and Settings). It looks like my Provisioning Profile is OK in xcode because I can run on my iPhone, and when I build an Archive of the project and validate it with Apple it validates succesfully. It's just the simulators.

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2 Answers2


A good night's sleep resolved this issue! The next day I had the error pop up a couple of times but was resolved by "Reset Content and Settings". After that day the problem has not reappeared. I have no idea why I was seeing this... The only thing I can think of is that I might have had my own project and the example project from the web open in Xcode at the same time. You wouldn't think that should cause a problem but...

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If it has an Apple Watch App bundled in you should use the bundle IDs correctly, like:

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