I'm running a python script and it used to work (it even does on my other laptop right now) but not on my current computer - I just get the error code:

Process finished with exit code -1073741515 (0xC0000135)

I don't get any other results - not even from "print" commands at the beginning of the file.

I haven't found anything specific to that. I re-installed python (2.7.9), pygame (1.9.1) and even pycharm (tried 4.5 first, now with 5.0 - same result)

Does anyone know what that error code means? I couldn't find anything about it.

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    Does your code run fine from console? – ForceBru Nov 07 '15 at 12:31
  • just tried that and weirdly it works... so I guess the error is in pycharm somewhere? used the same python version as interpreter as I used to start from the console... – Cribber Nov 07 '15 at 12:38
  • can you run other Python code from PyCharm? The Python interpreter itself doesn't usually crash at all. That can happen if you've got some broken C/C++ packages installed – ForceBru Nov 07 '15 at 12:42
  • yes, I am able to run other python scripts from the same instance of pycharm, but this one script / file doesnt seem to work – Cribber Nov 07 '15 at 12:47
  • Possible duplicate of [What does error code 0xc0000135 mean when starting a .NET application?](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11432940/what-does-error-code-0xc0000135-mean-when-starting-a-net-application) – Martin Evans Nov 07 '15 at 12:58
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    hmm. as I wrote all of my scripts with the same version of python/pygame/pycharm, this doesn't really relate to the .NET problem – Cribber Nov 07 '15 at 18:07
  • Can you start the python interactive interpreter alone? Does it happens after importing pygame or any other specific library? – memoselyk Nov 09 '15 at 05:24
  • i got this error in c not python what – larsaars Oct 27 '20 at 18:24

8 Answers8


reinstall python – you don't have python33.dll in c:\WINDOWS\system32\

Maybe you have different python versions – look at folders in root of c:

If yes, then point to your version of python.exe in pyCharm > Settings > Project Interpreter

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This may be due to another program locking that memory location. Before you try more drastic measures, know that restarting the computer fixed the problem for me.

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I got this error in PyCharm after upgrading pyarrow to the most recent version -- 0.16 --- using pip, running the same code I had ran before this update which used pandas read_parquet specifying the engine="pyarrow" triggering use of this library. After uninstalling and installing the previous version with

pip install pyarrow=="0.15"

the problem resolved.

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I encountered the same error when running .py in PyCharm on Windows. Inspired by https://thenewboston.com/forum/topic.php?id=10088, I uninstalled and reinstalled Python. When reinstalling, I checked the ADD PYTHON TO THE PATH Option. After recreating the virtual environment in PyCharm, the error was gone.

Update: On another Windows PC (64-bit), I encountered the same error where reinstalling Python was not enough. I tried two things.

  1. Uninstalling 32-bit Python and installing 64-bit Python. Namely downloading python-3.6.4-amd64.exe instead of python-3.6.4.exe
  2. Recreating the Pycharm project from github.

Between the two actions, the error was gone.

Big Pumpkin
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Here is caused it and solution:

The computer had two physical processors. The code uses Numba for parallel computations. Upon disabling and re-enabling hyperthreading this issue started. To solve it clear pycache folder and run the program.

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  • Hi Steve, welcome to Stackoverflow! I fear this answer is very specific to your problem and usage of "Numba" - so it won't be much help to other people. Thank you nevertheless for your contribution! – Cribber Jul 27 '20 at 07:39

I solved it by disabling "PyQt compatible" checkbox in the Settings under Build, Execution, Deployment --> Python Debugger.

After that, it should debug properly.

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I encountered this error in my code as well, in my case the problem was sharing pickle which produced in Unix machine one a Windows one.

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If you're trying create a .svm use dlib probably the problem is in .xml, some image that you use is cause the problem. Try to create a new .xml putting out a image(any image) or remove that your .xml and test, try this even you find out the image problem.

For exemple, the image "treinamento3.jpg" was the problem. I removed this command line:

< image file='delirium\treinamento3.jpg'>
    < box top='213' left='86' width='46' height='49'/ >
    < box top='531' left='47' width='125' height='123'/ >
  < /image >

from my .xml for solve my problem.

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    Hi Evan, welcome to Stackoverflow! This solution is very specific to your problem when creating an svm / with dlib. So I fear it won't be much help to others. Thank you nevertheless for your contribution! – Cribber Jul 27 '20 at 07:41