I'm trying to get a Contact Form 7 form to work in a Featherlight.js lightbox. I've created a page at mydomain.com/contact and set the link to open mydomain.com/contact #main article.

Featherlight does open the form, but when I submit the form, the lightbox closes and the url resolves to mydomain.com/contact/#wpcf7-f262-p11-o1. It doesn't matter if it's successfully submitted or there are validation errors, the lightbox still closes (to be clear, the form does actually work—I receive the email).

If I open the entire page (mydomain.com/contact/), the lightbox doesn't close on submission, which leads me to believe that perhaps there's an AJAX conflict.

That said, I don't receive any errors in the console.

Any help in resolving the issue would be appreciated!


1 Answers1


I've got it working, thanks to the second part of the accepted answer here (the Documentation example from the jQuery website).

jQuery's submit() function didn't work for me—I'm guessing it's a version issue? In any case, this is my final code:

   /* attach a submit handler to the form */
   $( "body" ).on( "submit", ".wpcf7-form", function(event) {

        /* stop form from submitting normally */

        /* get some values from elements on the page: */
        var $form = $( this ),
          url = $form.attr( 'action' );

        /* Send the data using post */
        var posting = $.post( url, $form.serialize() );

        /* Put the results in a div */
        posting.done(function(data) {
            var content = $(data).find('.wpcf7-form');
            $('.featherlight .wpcf7').empty().append(content);
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