I am trying to execute the following SQL query:

    SELECT venueID, 
           venueName AS venueName, 
           venueSpanish AS spanish, 
           venueAddress + ', ' + venueCity + ', ' + venueState + ' ' + venueZip AS venueAddress, 
           venueLatLong AS coordinates, 
           CONVERT(VARCHAR, venueEventDate, 101) + ' @ ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,venueTime) AS dateAndTime, 
           SUBSTRING(venueLatLong, 1, CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong)-1) AS Lat, 
           SUBSTRING(venueLatLong, CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong) + 1, 1000) AS Lng, 
           (round(3959 * acos (cos(radians('35.0935409')) * 
                cos(radians(SUBSTRING(venueLatLong, 1, CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong)-1))) * 
                cos(radians(SUBSTRING(venueLatLong, CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong) + 1, 1000)) - 
                radians('-85.0856761')) + 
                sin(radians('35.0935409')) * 
                sin(radians(SUBSTRING(venueLatLong, 1, CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong)-1)))), 1, 1)) AS distance 
    FROM meetUpMarkers) TMP 
WHERE distance < 30 

However, I am getting this as an error when doing so:

Msg 537, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.

Any help would be great to solve this issue!

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2 Answers2


It's probably this line:

SUBSTRING(venueLatLong, 1, CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong)-1) AS Lat

there's no comma in venueLatLong and this results in -1 for the length

Why don't you store Latitude and Longitude in two numeric columns instead of a VarChar?

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  • Yeah it looks as though *some* records did not have "xx.xxxxxx,-xx.xxxxxxx" for lat/long so therefore it was throwing that error. – StealthRT Oct 26 '15 at 15:14

The problem could be with the arguments passed to the substring function. This condition is being repeated in the query.

CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong)

If the venueLatLong doesn't contain ,, this argument to the substring is invalid.

This can be avoided by including a where clause.

WHERE CHARINDEX(',', venueLatLong) > 0
Vamsi Prabhala
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  • Yeah it looks as though *some* records did not have "xx.xxxxxx,-xx.xxxxxxx" for lat/long so therefore it was throwing that error. – StealthRT Oct 26 '15 at 15:14